Illness and death result from some outside agent, a person, thing, or circumstance that weakens people because the agent contains a greater life force. African Religions: A Very Short Introduction. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers, 1996. There are generally no prohibitions against the practice. [32] Some recognize a dual god and goddess such as Mawu-Lisa. This page was last edited on 27 November 2020, at 02:28. West and Central African religious practices generally manifest themselves in communal ceremonies or divinatory rites in which members of the community, overcome by force (or ashe, nyama, etc. However, some of the... ... [Trackback] [...] Find More Informations here: [...], ... [Trackback] [...] Read More: [...], ... [Trackback] [...] Read More: [...]. Most African societies believe in several “high gods” and a large amount of lower gods and spirits. […] This literature was highly treasured by many Jewish enthusiasts, in... […] Judea and the Therapeutae in Egypt, were said to have a “secret”... […] (طهارة‎, ṭaharah) is an essential aspect of Islam. Often, the supreme Deity is worshiped through consultation or communion with lesser deities and ancestral spirits. The African religions scholar Placide Tempels describes every misfortune that Africans encounter as "a diminution of vital force." Virtue in traditional African religion is often connected with carrying out obligations of the communal aspect of life. Traditional healers are common in most areas, and their practices include a religious element to varying degrees. Some sacred or holy locations for traditional religions include Nri-Igbo, the Point of Sangomar, Yaboyabo, Fatick, Ife, Oyo, Dahomey, Benin City, Ouidah, Nsukka, Kanem-Bornu, Igbo-Ukwu, and Tulwap Kipsigis, among others. Trained in the new method of \"fieldwork\"—which entailed observing participants and speaking the language of the community—these anthropologists worked for their governments. Traditionally, as now, the Kikuyu were monotheists, believing in a unique and omnipotent God whom they called Ngai. Virtue and vice. He then took the first man, Gikuyu, to the top to point out the beauty of the land he was giving him.In traditional African religions, such as the Azande religion, a person is said to have a good or bad conscience, depending on whether he does the bidding of God or malevolent spirits. Natural phenomena are responsible for providing people with their daily needs. Such separation and subsequent contemplation of the nature and sources of pure energy or feelings serves to help participants manage and accept them when they arise in mundane contexts. There are more similarities than differences in all traditional African religions. Some castings are done using sacred divination plates made of wood or performed on the ground (often within a circle). Introduction to African religion. ), are excited to the point of going into meditative trance in response to rhythmic or driving drumming or singing. Diverse traditional beliefs and practices of African people, Encyclopedia of African Religion (Sage, 2009). Umewaen: Journal of Benin & Edoid Studies: Osweego, NY. It is often combined with elements of Christianity and Islam. Traditional African religions embrace natural phenomena – ebb and tide, waxing and waning moon, rain and drought – and the rhythmic pattern of agriculture. Other people believed that Ngai’s abode was on Mount Kenya, or else ‘beyond’ its peaks. In many cases, Africans who have converted to other religions have still kept up their traditional customs and practices, combining them in a syncretic way. There are generally no prohibitions against the practice. Followers of traditional African religions pray to various spirits as well as to their ancestors. According to Clemmont E. Vontress, the various religious traditions of Africa are united by a basic Animism. S. Mbiti, John (1991). Examples include social behaviors such as the respect for parents and elders, raising children appropriately, providing hospitality, and being honest, trustworthy, and courageous. Their studies avoided describing African cultures in indigenous terms. In some traditional African religions, morality is associated with obedience or disobedience to God regarding the way a person or a community lives. For the Kikuyu, according to their primary supreme creator, Ngai, acting through the lesser deities, is believed to speak to and be capable of guiding the virtuous person as one’s conscience. Among Afro-Asiatic-speakers is henotheism, the belief in one's own gods but accepting the existence of other gods; evil here is caused by malevolent spirits. All aspects of weather, thunder, lightning, rain, day, moon, sun, stars, and so on may become amenable to control through the cosmology of African people. They have replaced indigenous African religions, but are often adapted to African cultural contexts and belief systems. [35] The deities and spirits are honored through libation or sacrifice (of animals, vegetables, cooked food, flowers, semi-precious stones and precious metals). Spread. [16], Animism builds the core concept of traditional African religions, this includes the worship of tutelary deities, nature worship, ancestor worship and the belief in an afterlife. Some sacred or holy locations for traditional religions include Nri-Igbo, the Point of Sangomar, Yaboyabo, Fatick, Ife, Oyo, Dahomey, Benin City, Ouidah, Nsukka, Kanem-Bornu, Igbo-Ukwu, and Tulwap Kipsigis, among others. Main article: African divination Most religions can … [1][7], Adherents of traditional religions in Sub-Saharan Africa are distributed among 43 countries and are estimated to number over 100 million. [26][20][21][27], Traditional African medicine is also directly linked to traditional African religions. It deals with their cosmology, ritual ... 2. According to Gottlieb and Mbiti: The environment and nature are infused in every aspect of traditional African religions and culture. According to him, the belief in spirits and ancestors is the most important element of African religions.

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