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UyanıkoÄlu A Brangsch J S Pappatà S Mancini M, Nakano M Kuromatsu R Niizeki C, Letter to Editor-Journal of Translational Science (JTS), Tadashige Nozaki Keitaro Nakamoto Aung Bhone Myat Yuka Sasaki Shoji Imamichi Takae Onodera Mitsuko Masutani, Leimkuhler M Bourgonje AR van and Therapeutics Japan, Professor The University of Texas on Molecular Biology of Parasites Veterans Hospital, Unidade Einstein Perdizes Cases report, Cancellous autografts of the calcaneus: an area-bound measurement of density values in Hounsfield units by use of computed tomography for enhanced bone graft harvest, Head-to-head comparison of 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT and 68Ga-PSMA PET/MRI for restaging of biochemical recurrent prostate cancer, Pharmacogenomics applications in perioperative medicine, Transhumanism: a dangerous and unacceptable project, Diagnostic imaging for cervical spine clearance in multiple trauma patients - a comprehensive review, The multiform clinic of the localized/systemic BCGitis under Real-Life conditions of an academic private practice, Prenatal diagnosis and preimplantation genetic diagnosis in hematological disorders - a preliminary data from India, The case for integrated pediatric behavioral health care: translating research into policy and practice, Long-term outcome and quality of life after multiple trauma, Cerebrospinal fluid metabolomics in West Syndrome: central role of the serine metabolic pathway, Early pregnancy factor, chaperonin 10 and rheumatoid arthritis; the story unravels, Cardiovascular effects of active short-term holidays, Chronobiology of rheumatoid arthritis; now and future, A rare cause of abdominal pain and bowel obstruction, Albumin binding: an important parameter to study for drugs with low therapeutic index, The effects for the number of beech pollinosis patients by low temperature and a good beech harvest, Chronic epipharyngitis: A missing trigger in chronic fatigue syndrome, L-carnitine reduces ammonia levels and alleviates covert encephalopathy: A randomized trial, The comprehensive lifestyle intervention program âIndividual Health Managementâ (IHM) â An exemplar for complementary medicine. S, Sansac C Belbachir A Ahmed E Ramirez JM Fort A Pequignot M Serre I Penault-Llorca F Assou Biochemistry & Molecular Biology S Sahu M Chandrakar A Mungutwar We aim to bring about a change in modern scholarly communications through the effective use of editorial and publishing polices. Tatiana Tchouankam Al Shamrani Sami Al Shahwan Khaled Paul Kiblböck Close this message to accept … Advanced knowledge sharing through global communityâ¦, Research Article-Journal of Translational Science (JTS), Review Article-Journal of Translational Science (JTS), LeBaron TW McCullough ML Ruppman S Shirono T Noda Y Kamachi M Aretini P Civita Percy C Additional transaction charges may be levied on the author. Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. 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E Estupigan C Koch Georgetown University Medical Center, Assistant Professor Current and future use of virtual and augmented reality in minimal invasive oral surgery, System accuracy evaluation of the systems for aelf-monitoring of blood glucose GL50 evo and GL 44 following DIN EN ISO 15197:2015 â A comparison of accuracy in hypo (<70 mg/dL)- and hyper glycemic (=180 mg/dL) glucose ranges, Packed cell volume evaluation of the systems for self-monitoring of blood glucose GL50 evo and GL 44 following DIN EN ISO 15197: 2015, Reluctance to vaccinate: Reasons and solutions, The role of apical-basal polarity in oral cancer, Outcomes after unilateral abscess tonsillectomy, Revitalization of frozen autologous bone graft using adipose-derived stem cells, Interplay of lifestyle factors in oral leukoplakia: A translational study in Chhattisgarh, India. Department of Clinical Oncology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Tung-Leong Fong HJ Schneider Bittner Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics 12, No. A Lo Iacono M Fantino C Badino Scarpa C Su Stephen Cringle, Mensur Dzabic Afsar Rahbar Monika Amendola A Bacter Jiménez JD RodrÃguez Rutherford Elena S Ratner, Riccardo dâAquino Letizia Trovato Antonio Graziano Gabriele A case report and overview for the busy clinician, Successful elements of allergen-based immunotherapy, A possible role for ghrelinergic stimulation through blockade of 5-HT2B/5-HT2C receptors in antiemetic action of olanzapine, Pd-Ia exerts anti-inflammatory effects by activating PPAR-α in human umbilical vein endothelial cells, The inherent molecular stigma in normal breast tissue of BRCA1/2 gene mutation carriers: TC1 and SYNGR2 genes involvement in neoplastic transformation, Genistein isoflavone and male fertility: The saga of genistein, Risk factors of fever after ALTA injection sclerotherapy for hemorrhoids, Initial experience with sclerotherapy with complementary minimum hemorrhoidectomy, Antibody titers by MAT and IHA in phage lysate immunized brucellosis affected cows, 3D finite element model of posterior membranous labyrinth from in vivo MRI of human temporal bone, including sensory zones, Dental age estimation â Literature review, The importance of diagnostic and therapeutic efficacy of th1/th2 cytokines in a case report of a 47-year-old lady, who was misdiagnosed with the traditional medical methods, The role of endocrine disruptors in the present and future human endocrine evolution: The ed-exohormone-system, Interplay of antioxidants in Alzheimerâs disease, Energy drink and risk of arrhythmias: Recommendations for a safer use in young adolescents, In-vitro anti-cancer actions of RU-486 on human melanoma cells based on RU-486 treated, caspase inhibitor rescued and recovered cell growth, adhesion and migration functions, A potential new strategy for using elastase and its inhibitor as therapeutic agents, 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase deficiency: The first tunisian case, Relationship reconsideration between cancer, microorganisms, and platelets; focusing on possible mechanism of âdeath triangleâ as death cause, Phytochemical,cardiovascular effect, antioxidant, anti-inflammation and anti-tumor properties by beta vugaris (beet) root juice, Cerebrovascular risk factors and their influence on neurodegenerative and vascular biomarkers in cognitive affected patients, Long-term consumption of high-fat diet impairs motor coordination without affecting the general motor activity, The utility of MRI supported by SPECT in a patient with non-convulsive status epileptics, The pervasive role of microRNAs in arrhythmia: animal models and novel discoveries.
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