Phone: 608.757.7881 / Toll-Free: 800.345.8348 / Fax: 608.757.7884, 2821 South U.S. Hwy 51, Janesville, WI USA 53546, Hours: M-F 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. CST. Ringneck Pheasant Chicks For Sale. As you browse through our website feel free to read through the Core Values that guide our business: humane treatment of our birds, customer satisfaction, business profitability with integrity, employee job satisfaction, stewardship of the Earth, and community involvement. Now you will be in the know! Our Pheasant. This advert is located in and around Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire. The head is a bottled green color with a distinctive red waddle. The Pheasant Rearing Supplies section is a new addition to our online store. From the spectacular Red Gold Pheasant to the cold-loving Eared Pheasants there are almost endless species, color mutations and variations of pheasants. A white pheasant is important in meat production because of the pigmentation of their feathers. We take pride in keeping our customers happy and are always willing to share the ideals and ideas that have made our business a success. Over the years our selection process has given us a larger bird that produces a high breast yield. Minimum 25: Can mix and match gender and variety. In some states a permit is required to keep pheasants. Before you finish your visit, be sure to check out our online store which features a variety of bird meats as well as pheasants for sale. Our chicks are known for their quality genetics and great livability. Common ornamental pheasants are hardy and require little care. Thanks for signing up! Ornamental Pheasants for sale. Sign Up to Receive Your Flight Pen Construction Manual,, the Industry Leader Providing High Quality Game Birds for Taxidermy, Setup and Care for A Delivery of Adult Birds Manual. Our adult pheasants and partridges are delivered to customers throughout the U.S. and Canada. I have for sale the following pheasants. © Copyright 2001 - 2020 MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc. Our online store offers several varieties of pheasant for your table as well as bison, ostrich, and alligator. This white pheasant was cross bred with a ringneck and through selective breeding has become the large meaty bird that today is used for over 100% of our meat production. Our years of experience not only helps us in our work to produce and raise the best birds on the market, it also allows us to supply our customers with the best service after sale. The White Pheasants grown at MacFarlane Pheasants are used strictly for ... MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc has been in the game bird business since 1929 and has grown to be the largest pheasant producer in North America. We keep nearly 500,000 day old pheasants to be raised to maturity on our farm. Please be sure to check your state’s regulations before ordering. Schedule a tour today. The attention to detail when selecting birds solidifies the commitment to our customers to produce a quality product consistently. Our site also includes related business news and success stories. Stop by and Meet the Staff that makes our business so successful. Darker plumage has darker pigmentation and can leave behind darker spots on the meat. The yield from a smaller white pheasant was actually more than the yield from a larger Jumbo ringneck pheasant. MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc has been in the game bird business since 1929 and has grown to be the largest pheasant producer in North America. Phone: 608.757.7881 / Toll-Free: 800.345.8348 / Fax: 608.757.7884, 2821 South U.S. Hwy 51, Janesville, WI USA 53546, Hours: M-F 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. CST. Partridges, and have imported pheasants from the Chinese wild and have retained this wild stock bloodline in our some of our birds. At MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc. we are committed to producing a consistent quality product. The white pheasants at MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc are special because they have their own facility in which the breeders are kept and selected. As chicks, the pheasants are kept in brooder barns until they are six weeks old when they get moved to our 180 acres of netted “covered pens”. There are many reasons to raise ornamental pheasants, not the least of which is their undeniable beauty. This produces healthier chicks and in the end a bigger and better product. 2020 is the year to delight your friends and family with ... Smart Barn Alarms are protecting our barns at MacFarlane Pheasants. © Copyright 2001 - 2020 MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc. While touring MacFarlane's you will be able to view our quality based production facilities responsible for our high quality chicks and meats. The white pheasants at MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc are special because they have their own facility in which the breeders are kept and selected. By keeping the stock separate from outside vectors and other flocks of birds, we can lessen the chance for disease. The females are a less showy with mottled brown coloring. Also called the “Common Pheasant”, the Ringneck Pheasant is a popular game bird! If your goal is to establish a healthy wild population of pheasants, you may find it an exciting challenge. Our support team supplies service with every sale of partridge and pheasant chicks. ... and the body plumage is barred bright gold and brown with green, purple, and white markings.
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