If the yellow/brown spots are spreading from the inner part of the leaf and out, that's again a sign of overwatering. Causes Of Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) Leaf Loss. There are actually a few reasons as to why the leaves on your Ficus plant are falling off. To fix the problem, I stopped watering her for a longer period of time, cut the dead leaves and let her be. (I'm not talking about dried up leaves.) See also Ficus Tree Leaves Falling Off Why Is My Ficus Losing Leaves Ficus Dropping Leaves from Bonsai Ideas Topic. Share your Ficus stories/issues if you'd like to have the community's opinion. Is there curling in the tips of the leaves followed by a slight yellowing? The ficus species contains over 1,000 different types of plants. Rubber plants do best in warm temperatures -- 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 60 to 65 degrees at night -- without drafts. My Ficus Elastica are dropping leaves. saromat. Cause of Yellowing Leaves in Ficus Trees Ficus only needs to be fertilized three times a year: early spring, mid-summer and early fall. Wh… Pests can cause distorted or curled leaves. These plants tent to drop leaves a lot when kept indoors. emPhoto: Steve Bender/em. It drops leaves to prepare for the dry seasons that occur in its native habitat, to reduce foliage that needs moisture to live. The majority of problems are easy to fix, and only a few simple gardening tools or pesticides are needed. Her six children and stepchildren served as subjects of editorials during her tenure as a local newspaper editor. Soon the upper leaves started dropping. Ficus drop leaves usually for 3 possible reasons: change in environment... [CONTINUE READING] It's now been replaced by another species, but the Latin name 'Elastica' still refers to this time. The leaves will almost always regrow once the underlying cause of the ficus dropping leaves is eliminated. Rubber plant trees can tolerate limited light and stale air, hence their popularity as indoor plants. Both overwatering and under-watering might cause lower leaves to drop. You have to keep up the calcium, ordinary 100% calcium carbonate will do the trick. A retired municipal judgem Reynolds holds a degree in communications from Northern Illinois University. Bottom leaves drop as a rubber tree grows older. If the older leaves (usually the largest ones, at the bottom) are becoming yellow or brown, that's a sign of overwatering. If the move is sudden, the ficus may drop all of its leaves, but w… But it is placed inside a larger decorative ceramic pot (as you can see above) and overlaid with a thick layer of moss. Generally speaking, it accommodates very well for both bright indirect sunlight and low light, as well as can stand relatively long periods without water. I was about to go on holidays and decided to water my rubber plant (Ficus Elastica) one last time. Many years ago, I was having a healthy rubber plant (Ficus Elastica) in my living room, but after a few months, it started dropping bottom leaves, even healthy looking leaves were falling. I don't think it got enough light. The soil was totally dry initially, but the plant was feeling healthy. So, the plastic pot is out of reach, and, because of that, I'm forced to water from above, which makes things even more difficult. Later, numerous NASA studies would find that they help clean indoor air, too, no doubt a boon to academic concentration. See, a ficus tree hates change. Rubber tree plants are indeed trees, growing to 50 feet or more in their native range from the Eastern Himalayas down the Malaysian peninsula to Sumatra. Rubber plant is a hardy species that tolerates dry soil quite well, so prefer staying on the under-watering side. Rubber plants can be allowed to dry a bit before water is added to encourage use of reserves. Immediate treatment should include the removal of all infected growth, you will also want to keep an infected plant from infecting others by keeping them separate. If you are interested in getting a rubber plant with larger leaves, Ficus elastica robusta is the right choice, as it produces foliage that is larger than that of Ficus elastica decora. The most common causes are sudden changes in water, lighting and fertilizing. Ficus trees (Weeping fig) are beautiful and interesting household plants. I know she can grow on neglect and that I was being a little over-caring with her. A viral infection is most commonly detected by distorted or discolored growth leaves and flowers, growth can be abnormally stunted and the plant can die back. I probably should have watered less, more evenly, or made sure to drain excess water properly (see the soaking technique which constantly proves to have better results). Any environmental stress, such as under watering or cold drafts, can cause ficus tree leaves to yellow and then drop off. Trim off the damaged parts of the roots and re-pot. How to Cut Back a Rubber Tree Plant That Is 10 Feet Tall, Toxicity of the Rubber Tree Plant to Dogs, My Rubber Tree Plant Leaves Are Turning Brown & Droopy, How to Get a Ficus Elastica Houseplant to Grow Multiple Branches, The Growth Per Year of the Rubber Tree Ficus Elastica, Missouri Botanical Garden: Ficus Elastica, Clemson University Cooperative Extension: Houseplant Diseases and Disorders, Clemson University Cooperative Extension: Rubber Plant, The University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Cooperative Extension: Interior Plants: Selection and Care, Information About Rubber Plants & Cleaning the Air. This is the story of my ficus. Like other ficus, rubber plants grow Banyan-type aerial roots to age into a multiple-trunk tree with roots along the surface of the ground. I also have a Ficus Benjamina which has shed most of its leaves since I bought it 4-5 months ago. report. If a ficus is moved from one location to another, it will drop its leaves to show its disapproval. If the leaves are turning yellow or developing brown tips and margins, they may be suffering from dry air. This is my first post here after spending 30 minutes hunting all over the Internet. Yellowing of your ficus leaves is another clear indicator of water stress. The reason your ficus drops leaves when underwatered is related to its evolution. Under-fertilize, rather than over-fertilize, your ficus, as too much feeding will cause it to lose leaves. To do that, I hold my plant up by the plastic pot and wiggle it, to help drain excess water out through the drainage holes. But those leaves will be green and not brown. An avid perennial gardener and old house owner, Laura Reynolds has had careers in teaching and juvenile justice. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. 5 comments. With just a bit of rubber plant care, they can survive through their ailments. When you water it, don't drench it and make sure that all the water drains well out of the pot. Occasionally, a ficus may begin to wilt and die if it is getting too much or too little sunlight or water.

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