It includes an amendment submitted by a participant. Birth control should be for sale over the counter. ... literature after WSC 2020 to WSC 2028, excluding any literature projects already in development. Sitemap. Motion #34 Maker: World Board . Motion #2 Maker: World Board . All teachers should get tenure. The sale of human organs should be legalized. All motions start with RESOLVED and detail an action, opinion or proposal that your team will either agree or disagree with. The CAR is a tool by which we are able to communicate the issues that we will address at the WSC. 2019 Resources. Conference 2020 (WSC 2020). At the end of the debate, the judge (or panel of judges) will announce a winning team that will proceed to a designated room. CLICK HERE for Quizzes link to prep for Scholars Challenge. Lessons and Notes. SS Civil War Test aids. Eko Atlantic,Tatu City,Hope City,Cite le Flueve) 2020-10-07 : Debate for Donation Open : 2 : TH, as Christians, regrets the rise of popular mainstream artists co-opting Gospel themes in their works (i.e. League Phase Motions 2020-21 Motion; 2020-10-07 : Debate for Donation Open : 1 : THW embrace the rise of private cities (i.e. G. 8 Language Arts. Homeroom. 2.12 Debate Topics 2020. The motions received from regions around the world are included, as well as motions from previous 2018 WSC Presentations. Motion List Virtual WSC 2020, Part Two (as of 30 July 2020) This is the final motion list for Part 2 of the partial, virtual WSC 2020. All school districts should offer school vouchers. World Scholar's Cup. Alternative energy can effectively replace fossil fuels. March Presentations WSC. Debate Motions 2019. dfgd. 2020 WSC Resources & Presentations. Motions & Survey Tally Sheet We created this tally sheet for you to collect responses on the Conference Agenda Report motions and survey. Otherwise known as the “topic”, this sentence is what you and your team will be arguing for or against during the round. is the debate motion. To approve the IP contained in Addendum A, “Mental Health in Recovery,” as Fellowship‐ approved recovery literature. 2018 Resources. Motion: The most important part of any debate (and sometimes the most controversial!) The WSC will be held from April 30 to May 4, 2020 in Torrance, CA, USA. Net neutrality should be restored. Grade 8 Language Arts. World Scholar's Cup. Public college should be tuition free. World Scholars Cup. This year, once again our Concern Debate motions highlight some of the individual goals and the challenges that we must face (and the debates we must have) if the goals are to be achieved. Team Debate has teams pitched against each other where they argue motions on different subjects and then share constructive feedback with one another.
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