To play the A Minor (Am) chord on your guitar, first identify your index finger (1), your middle finger (2), and your ring finger (3). And finally, take your middle finger and press down on the G String (third from the bottom thinnest string) second fret. This is an easy chord for beginners, and it's an important chord—you'll use it all the time. The A Minor is a seven-note scale, also called Natural A Minor. Take a lesson from one of ChordBank's professional musicians. You do have another option though; if you're finding it really difficult to move your fingers into the A Minor position quickly, even after practicing for a while, then you can try an easier variation. Your middle and ring fingers should feel a little "bunched up", this is normal. I was in the same place when I was first starting out. from Berklee College of Music and performs throughout New England as a guitarist and vocalist. This is a very common chord -  one you definitely don't want to skip. Once you have your finger pattern in place, strum everything except for the thickest E string. Do NOT strum the thickest string. Helping millions play guitar better, since 2010. ChordBank has helped millions of people all over the world play guitar better, with chords, scales, lessons, and drills to help you practice. If you want to be able to play a nice variety of songs, mastering A Minor is a must. You'll have to muster up a bit of persistence and try repeating the chord pattern over and over again until you can get your fingers back in position quickly. The important thing is playing the right notes, in the order we want them. Start by pressing down your index finger on the B String (second from the bottom thinnest string) first fret. It takes a while to build up calluses - but once you do, the pain goes away. To play the A Minor (Am) chord on your guitar, first identify your index finger (1), your middle finger (2), and your ring finger (3). At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I want to leave a word of encouragement for beginners out there: don't give up! Now the ball is in your court -- get out there and practice putting your fingers into position on the fretboard until you've got this chord down and can do it blindfolded. The good news is, it's not that difficult to pick up. When your ear hears a chord, especially a chord you're playing by yourself on the guitar, there are two big things that matter: The reason we don't generally play the thickest string is simple—leaving that string out makes the lowest note of our chord the note “A”—we call that the root. This will help you both mentally remember the shape, while developing a muscle-memory in your fingers for where to fret the strings. The numbers on the dots will indicate which finger on your hand goes where: The 1st finger will be your index finger Take your ring finger and press down on the A String (second from the top thickest string) second fret. Follow along with the video to play Am with C, and learn to strum in a muted eighth note style: You'll find that the C chord and the G chord are played together with Am a lot: So is the F chord—be sure to check out our simple guide of how to play the F chord: Anna Freitas holds a B.A. Put your 3rd finger on the 2nd fret of the 3rd string; Strum only the highest five strings. Nope. Modes, too! A good drill to learn any chord shape is to practice putting your fingers on the strings, then taking them off, and then putting them back on again. This video will show you where to put your fingers (with a diagram below): Here's a diagram to show where your fingers should go: How to play a A Minor chord on the guitar. How to play a A Minor chord on the guitar. ChordBank can help you practice major, minor, and pentatonic scales. Save chords to practice or write with, and organize your favorites. Put your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the 4th string. Helping millions play guitar better, since 2010. Check out another A Minor Jam Track - Please rate and comment. In the two-octave pattern, the first root note is on the 6th string, 5th fret. ), the more you practice, the more songs you'll be able to master quickly. Once you have it down, it's all downhill from there. A minor chord attributes: Interval positions with respect to the A major scale, notes in the chord and name variations: Scale intervals: 1 - b3 - 5; Notes in the chord: A - C - E; Various names: Am - A Minor - Amin Put your 1st finger on the 1st fret of the 2nd string. DIY Acoustic Guitar Kits to Build From Scratch, Les Paul Guitar Kits: DIY Classics You Can Build, 15 Types of Guitars You Never Knew Existed. A Natural Minor Guitar She continues to teach students, both in-person and online via Skype. Learn the A minor guitar chord with this short lesson. A piano has 88 keys, but you only play a few at a time. I understand your struggle. Discover new chords with the reverse chord finder. Even though you might only know a few basic songs at the moment (or maybe you're just picking up your first one! Keep practicing, keep grinding away on your craft, and soon enough you'll look up and see just how far you've come. Of course, these variations won't sound as good as the 'official' chord,  but they're a great substitute until you've built up some strength and agility in your fingers. ChordBank has thousands of curated guitar chords. A Minor Scale Guitar TAB There are three main types of minor scale: the natural minor, harmonic minor and melodic minor. Take your ring finger and press down on the A String (second from the top thickest string) second fret. All three are widely used in improvisation, with each having their own sound and uses. Learning a new instrument is never easy! Good luck to you, let's get out there and get playing! Depending on your experience with guitar, this might take 30 minutes, or it might take a couple of hours. To play the simpler version of A Minor, use your index and middle fingers to press down on the B and G strings, 5th Fret. A great way to practice new chords, is to play them with other chords you already know. On this page, you'll learn how to play the Am guitar chord with videos and diagrams. Important Note: This alternative Am chord starts on the 5th Fret! All Rights Reserved. Colored circles mark the tones in the diagram, with darker color highlighting the root notes. The root notes are always A tones. The going gets tough before it gets easy... it's just the way it works. One of the things that got me was how much my fingers hurt after practicing for several hours the first couple of days after picking up my guitar. The below diagrams show you how to play the A minor chord in various positions on the fretboard with suggested finger positions. A Minor scale for guitar. Think of this chord like climbing a little mountain—start with your first finger on the first fret of the second string, and then your next two fingers will go up on the next two strings, just over one fret.

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