This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed at Cana in Galilee. All Religions Are Equal “I suppose when it comes down to it,” Mary said, “the main thing is that people are sincere in what they believe. Nearly three out of five [59%] believe that all religions are equally valid. Although people are allowed to hold their own opinions, they cannot make up their own truth. It’s not hard to see why. One quarter of Americans call themselves "spiritual She looked at me as if perhaps I wasn’t paying attention. Tim Staples • 11/19/2018 Download Share Catholic Answers Director of Apologetics and Evangelization, Tim Staples, offers advice on how to answer people who claim that all religions are equal. And as soon as you mention absolute truth, someone will cry, “Oh, but what about separation of church and state?” Apart from failing to understand what separation of church and state actually means, what is the alternative they’re actually proposing? To claim that all religions are essentially the same is to say that it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you're sincere —and this neglects the fact that you can believe something sincerely and be sincerely wrong. “I’m confused,” I said, gently. Doesn’t that mean that you don’t believe that all religions are equally true?”, Mary became uncomfortable when she saw that she had contradicted herself and dismissed what I had said by saying: “I guess I just think it’s arrogant to believe that your worldview is right and that everyone else’s is wrong.”. “How can we measure which is nearer the truth?” “They are all essentially saying the same thing.” Insistence on the superiority of Christianity will soon be met with accusations of arrogance and intolerance. Twelve percent of Americans believe that no religion is valid. So, again we have a misunderstanding that keeps some Hindus thinking all religions are equal. It is more correct to say that all religions are, at best, superficially similar but fundamentally different. There are those who dismiss the notion that all cultures are equal, and then either embrace philosophical and religious pluralism, or simply dismiss religion all together. Indeed, she proclaims, and ever must proclaim, Christ “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) in whom men may find the fullness of religious life, in whom God has reconciled all things to himself. Likewise, syncretism , the attempt to take over creeds of practices from other religions or even to blend practices or creeds from different religions into one new faith is an extreme form of inter-religious dialogue. And one very loud message in the West: don't judge, everyone is equal, all cultures are equal, all religions the same. Morality defined by the majority? Surprisingly, only twelve percent believe that only their religion is right. The law of noncontradiction forbids it. Why would I now ask her if she believed the exact opposite? Relativism, the belief that all religions are equal in their value and that none of the religions give access to absolute truth, is an extreme form of inclusivism. “Do you believe in the law of noncontradiction? Instead of giving space for questions about god and the ultimate reality, there is an inner wall built into most people: taboo Don't look. It seemed that maybe all religions are not the same, equal, or one. And if all religions carry equal weight, then it’s easy to cobble together aspects of various religions to satisfy their preferences. on All cultures are not equal, neither are all religions. Particularly in this age of ecumenism — a movement promoting worldwide unity among religions through greater cooperation and improved understanding — the tendency is to hold all religions in equal esteem and not risk appearing uncharitable by suggesting that any one is truer than all the rest. Christianity is not a religion, but a … She regards with sincere reverence those ways of conduct and of life, those precepts and teachings which, though differing in many aspects from the ones she holds and sets forth, nonetheless often reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men. The real saying is "ekam sat, vipra bahuda vadanti," that truth is one, but the names for it are many. “You say you believe that all religions are equally true, but you don’t believe that the Christian religion is correct in saying that Jesus Christ is the only objective means of salvation. Believing in Christ is clearly not the same thing as saying that all religions are one, or that all religions are the same, or that all religions are equally true. NZ journalist destroyed trying to take on Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux, ‘they nailed me… I couldn’t compete with them.’. As Thomas Adams said, “the splendour of the sun is not enlarged by them that bless it, nor eclipsed by them that hate it.”. Across all religions in the United States, people 18-30 are more spiritual than before, but they don't like organized religion. Thus, as all Men are alike in their Poetic Genius, and as all religions originate with the Poetic Genius, so too must all religions be alike, thus all religions are one. My premise is that the popular aphorism that 'all religions are fundamentally the same and only superficially different' simply is not true. Myth #3: All religions basically teach the same thing. This is a question that I am not qualified to answer, though it is a valid question. Then one night, completely unexpectedly, my wife surrendered her life to Jesus and was “born again.” She had been into drugs and eastern religions, and was not at all interested in Christianity. Hard to sort through it all. On a recent flight from Philadelphia to San Diego I had the following conversation with a woman—we’ll call her Mary—who believed that all religions were equal. I might express it differently, but I believe that deep down we are all speaking the same language.”, “So you agree with the Christian religion, which says that Christ is the only way to the Father?”. Best True More Only. As Philip Ryken rightly said, “Religion is not a preference. Myth #4: I can be spiritual without being religious. Has There Been a ‘Plot Against the President’? I believe that the Catholic Church possesses the fullness of the truth and other religions are wrong inasmuch as they disagree with that fullness.”. Here it is: “I suppose when it comes down to it,” Mary said, “the main thing is that people are sincere in what they believe. This cannot be done with religion any more than it can be done with mathematics.”. It’s not hard to see why. Links and excerpts with full attribution are permitted. Nearly three out of … Everything published at Caldron Pool is protected by copyright and cannot be used and/or duplicated without prior written permission. New Legislation Could See Christians in Victoria Jailed for 10 Years for Attempting to Convert People, Christianity Is Harmful, Must Be Criminalized, Suggests Amnesty International, Ten Problems with Victoria’s Conversion Therapy Bill, We’ve Been Warned About the Great Reset and Technocrat Tyranny, Governor Says: “There Is No Constitutional Right To Walk Around Without A Mask”, Searches for “Election Fraud Punishment” Peak in Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania Days Before the Election. So why, if all religions are equally true and all roads lead to the same God, should anyone attempt to puzzle out … I then mentioned the passage in the Vatican II document Nostra Aetate: The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these religions. (John 2:11) Porn Is a Political Weapon: “Virtuous Men Are Hard to Get Shackles On”. He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him. Hitler held his beliefs with sincerity—that doesn't make them true. That something cannot be both true and untrue at the same time?”, “God cannot be the creator of the universe and at the same time not be the creator of the universe.”, “Okay, so theism—the belief that there is a God who created the universe—and pantheism—the view that God is the universe—cannot both be true. People don’t like absolutes in truth and standards because they demand absolute acceptance and obedience. After all, she had just stated that all religions were equally true. The real saying is However, once again that is not accurate. They view religion as menu items on an old Chinese take-out menu—pick one from column A and 2 from 16 talking about this. – Published articles represent the views of the author and may not reflect the opinions of all contributors at Caldron Pool. David Wells once said, “Truth is now simply a matter of etiquette: it has no authority, no sense of rightness, because it is no longer anchored in anything absolute. That’s where we are today. One plus one equals two, regardless of our own personal ideas, preferences, and customs. Whenever Christian standards are appealed to, the philosophical and religious relativist soon raises his head. What sets Birthright apart is that no one's hitting on you to be Jewish in any particular way, and you can define “There are many religions,” he says. And in much the same sense, Christianity remains true, whether it’s accepted or not.

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