Refractor Telescope – This is a type of optical telescope that uses a lens to form an image. Why these three brands? Orion sells telescopes for all levels of experience and apart from Dobsonians, you’ll also find Orion Newtonians, Maksutovs-Cassegrains, Ritchey-Chrétiens, and refractors. And if your interest lies in astro imaging, the telescope features a built-in wedge. It determines the quality of the image you are going to see. By checking a lot of reviews, we get a really good feel for the product. It was invented in 1930 by a German astronomer, Bernhard Schmidt. Contains two 1.25 inch Sirius Plossl eyepieces, Equatorial telescope mount allows you to track objects, More expensive than other beginner telescopes. The last telescope in our list comes from a company called Gskyer. For thousands of years, we’ve gazing up and wondering what’s out there. What’s more, setting it up is really easy, as there are no cumbersome steps to assemble it. You can learn a lot just by using it, but a bit of research beforehand will help a lot. Magnification – The eyepiece on your telescope will affect the magnification. It has an impressive 130mm aperture and a focal length of 650mm that will allow you to view the moon and nearby planets in details and will also let you look at nebulas and star clusters. If it doesn’t, you should find something suitable. It has a relatively short optical tube at 24mm which makes it perfect for taking on camping trips. It uses a mixture of lens and mirrors. How To See Mars Through Telescope, Best Magnification. These cookies do not store any personal information. Furthermore, a 5×24 finderscope and mounting bracket with cross-hair lines mean you don’t have to strain too hard to find objects. Whereas for an SCT, among these brands, you’d look at a Celestron. Other brands are Meade, Astro Tech, Explore Scientific, iOptron, Bresser, TS (Teleskop Service), Altair, and Saxon, depending on where you live. If money is no problem, you will have a ton of fun with this epic toy! We’ve also created an in-depth buying guide and FAQ section to answer any questions you might have about buying a telescope. Celestron makes telescopes for all skill levels and budgets. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Most of Orion telescopes are also made by the Chinese company, Synta. Take a camping trip and spend all day staring up into the sky. The Sky Watcher Skymax 127 Telescope is versatile, portable, and ideal for use when stargazing, as a lens for photography, and as a spotting scope. Perfect beginner telescope for adults and kids, Not as high spec as other, more expensive, beginner telescopes. This is the second entry from Orion. This is the most expensive telescope in this list. 10 Best Smartphone Tripods (Review) in 2020, This product guide was written by Jordan Carter, Orion 10019 SkyQuest XT10i IntelliScope Dobsonian Telescope, Meade Instruments 216006 Polaris 130 EQ Reflector Telescope (Blue), Celestron NexStar 130SLT Computerized Telescope, SkyWatcher S11600 Traditional Dobsonian 6-Inch (White), Orion 8944 SkyQuest XT6 Classic Dobsonian Telescope, Celestron 21061 AstroMaster 70AZ Refractor Telescope. The Celestron NexStar 130SLT Computerized Telescope is an all-around reflector telescope with a 130mm aperture and a 650mm focal length. Yet another entry from Orion, the Orion 8944 SkyQuest XT6 Classic Dobsonian Telescope is their cheaper Dobsonian telescope. EQ8-R, EQ8-RH. You should learn about the best conditions for astronomy and know how to find them. It produces amazing images that are bright, sharp, and true to color . A: A telescope is an optical instrument used for looking at objects in the distant. They won’t be in the same detail as the Orion telescope, but clear enough to see detail.
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