As with many questions surrounding the topic of proper exercise selection, the answer here is not black and white and will vary based on what type of upright row you’re doing as well as the overall health of your shoulders to begin with. This wider grip will target more of the posterior shoulder, however it can be a good alternative for those who may have issues with a narrower grip. When lifters perform upright rows, we often see issues arise when heavy loads are moved via hip extension, shrugging, and heavy arm pulling (rather than a focused smooth contraction from the shoulder muscles). Try These Upright Row Alternatives, If you find that traditional upright rows create pain in the shoulder, neck, or trap (other than some good ole-fashioned muscle soreness), you need to first determine if you are in fact doing these movements correctly. My form and weight is fine. Not only does this reduce the chances of developing wrist pain, but it also prevents your shoulders from rolling inward excessively as you pull the weight upward. Better to avoid and not take the risk? Keep in mind that your muscles respond to tension rather than any one specific amount of weight on the bar, and performing your upright rows using lighter weight and stricter technique can actually help you increase lateral delt stimulation while putting less stress on your shoulder joints. Not only that, but the use of a straight bar will also lock your hands into a fixed position that can place undo stress on your wrist joints over time. TRAINING EACH MUSCLE ONCE PER WEEK (EFFECTIVE OR WASTE OF TIME? With that out of the way, here is the much safer upright row variation that I’d recommend going with…. SAFE OR DANGEROUS? How To Build Round "3D Delts" That Pop (4 Exercises), The 3 Best Chest Exercises For The Perfect Pec Workout, Not Losing Fat? In an earlier article we discussed the upright row and how it can be a favorable training exercise for strength, power, and fitness athletes looking to increase movement specific strength (Olympic weightlifting), muscle hypertrophy (traps and deltoids), or even increase performance in fitness WODs (such as higher rep sumo high pull workouts). Tricep Kick Backs. 20 Cutting Diet Mistakes To Avoid, 7 Ways Supplement Companies Are Ripping You Off, How To Build Big Arms (The Simple Truth! In the upright row, this may be amplified due to the high amounts of internal rotation a lifter places their shoulder in when taking grip on the bar (especially the more narrow the grip is). World records, results, training, nutrition, breaking news, and more. Perform the lift using dumbbells, a rope, or two single-hand cable attachments. Often, if a lifter has pain in this internally rotated position (which, to be clear, is not an entirely bad position, since most Olympic weightlifters go into internal rotation without pain on a daily basis) it may be an indication of shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS). Holding a … I was liking the upright row but got spooked after hearing about the potential for shoulder impingement. Cibrario M, Preventing weight room rotator cuff tendonitis: A guide to muscular balance, Strength Cond Jour, 19: 22-25. Additionally, by performing a more horizontal row (rather than a vertical row) you can take some pressure off the internal rotation and forward collapse of the shoulder and isolate the posterior shoulder (similar to that of a wider grip high pull). and/or simply drop the loads and focus on form. BarBend is an independent website. The solution here is to simply pull the weight up until your elbows are in line with your shoulders and then stop there before lowering the weight back down. Now, all that said, this doesn’t mean that upright rows are completely out of the question and that they must be avoided completely. This one is more user error related, but nonetheless a potential reason why upright rows may be the source of pain for some of you. I had shoulder issues before. Then, be sure to get it checked out by a trained professional. If you’re in this for the long haul, you should always be critically examining the risk/reward of any potential exercise you’re doing in order to determine if it really makes sense to include it in your plan. While the benefits of this have been discussed in this upright row ultimate guide, some athletes/coaches feel strongly that the upright row provides greater risks to shoulder health than benefits. Pull the elbows up to shoulder height, but no higher. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions and I\'ll get back to you as soon as I can. If you found this article helpful, make sure to take my physique quiz below to discover the very best training and nutrition program for your specific body type, goals and experience level... Durall CJ, et al, Avoiding shoulder injury from resistance training. Although upright rows can have a negative effect on your shoulders, it doesn’t mean you should disregard shoulder training, there’s a multitude of healthy ways to train them. Maybe It’s Time to Bench Press CORRECTLY! The upright row exercise is done to develop the shoulders and traps. The general rule with any exercise you perform should always be “if it hurts, don’t do it”, and this is no exception. As a general rule of thumb, if you have pain in any joint via an exercise or movement, it is strongly advised to not continue to perform that moment. Upright Barbell Row. 2001. Acta orthop traumat Turc, 37: 128-238, 2003. Any of these choices are fine and you can experiment to see which ones feel the most comfortable on your shoulders and maximize the tension on the lateral delts.

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