a. adding Almond flour To recap, one cup of raw blueberries have about 56 calories, with 14 .5 grams of carbs. Make it thinner - If you want your milkshake thinner, use more almond milk. Bring it to a boil. ☝︎ It's easier to do this in a non-sticking pot and on medium-high heat instead of high heat. Step 2. Cream, on the other hand—whipping or whipped—is totally doable on the keto diet. Keep stirring while the heavy cream begins to boil. You have the option to simply whip heavy cream without the sweetener if you’d like to keep out sweet flavors from your keto meal. Can I use fresh blueberries? Make it thicker - If you like a really thick shake, use more heavy cream and less almond milk. It also yields almost 2.4 grams of fiber, to provide just 12.1 grams of net carbs. Try it in keto-friendly cauliflower mac and cheese or bacon, cheese, and egg casserole. Swerve confectioners sugar substitute. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix together all of the ingredients for the bread except the blueberries until smooth and creamy. Whipped cream isn’t exclusively for sweet foods or desserts. Sour cream. Vanilla extract. Use keto whipped cream - You can use a hand mixer and beat heavy cream until it gets thick and use this to top your blueberry milkshake. How to make Keto Blueberry Bread: Step 1. Most fruit have too high sugar a content (and therefore, high carbs) to be keto-friendly BUT blueberries aren’t one of those. https://hungryforinspiration.com/recipes/keto-blueberry-ice-cream Fresh blueberries. But be mindful of how much you're consuming. Add the heavy cream to the pot as well and set the heat to medium. Heavy whipping cream. On the contrary, you can enjoy it in savory dishes as well. Doesn’t just the blueberries have 21 carbs per cup (minus 3.6 if you deduct fiber)? Both will help to avoid burning the heavy cream. Using frozen blueberries, almond milk, & heavy cream, you can create an easy 3-ingredient keto ice cream for a sweet summertime keto dessert!
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