This is a question I often came across during my search for how to get rid of black spots on Lucky Bamboo. Set your lucky bamboo container on top of the stones. Use an an inch of distilled or purified water to ensure you don't expose your plant to fluoride or chlorine, which can damage the plant. Can you revive a dying Dracaena sanderiana? When spots appear elsewhere, they can represent a more extreme case of pest infestation or infection from funghi or bacteria. She is a glass artist with a Web design and technical writing background. Dispose of the yellow leaves immediately to prevent them from attracting insects or spreading disease to your plants. Heat – Too much heat or direct sunlight may be the reason for a browning bamboo plant, as most bamboo varieties prefer shade or partial sunlight. This is a fungus that may need to be treated with Daconil (a fungicide that you can get at your local garden center). Willi Evans Galloway loves to read, write, talk about, and teach people how to garden organically and grow their own food. To fertilize, just add a few drops of liquid organic houseplant fertilizer to the water when you change it. Dracenas, including lucky bamboo, are extremely sensitive to fluoride, as well as chlorine and salts. What causes brown tips on lucky bamboo leaves? How to Trim Brown Leaves From Peace Lily Plants, How to Prune an African Iris Fortnight Lily, How to Remove Dead Leaves From Outdoor Ferns, North Dakota State University: Lucky Bamboo, North Dakota State University: Questions on Miscellaneous Houseplants, How to Care for an Indoor Bamboo Palm & Cut Its Dying Leaves. Lucky bamboo may look like bamboo, but it is actually a Dracena sanderiana, and like many members of the Dracena family, lucky bamboo is susceptible to a problem called tip burn, where the ends of the plants' leaves turn brown and crispy even though they are getting plenty of water. Refill the water in the tray as needed, usually once or twice a week. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Also, change the water inside the lucky bamboo container once a week, being sure to use only bottled water. One thing you do need to pay attention to, however, is the condition of the bamboo leaves. As the water in the tray evaporates, it will increase the humidity around your plant. If your lucky bamboo suddenly drops a bunch of leaves, it could be due to too much water, an insect infestation or a drastic change in temperature. Unless there is another problem, the browning of the tips is caused by low humidity. Mold in soft or brown spots along the stem indicates that your Lucky Bamboo is dying and decaying. They appear most often in humid climates. The spots are round and mostly cosmetic. Cut completely yellow leaves off by snipping the area between the leaf base and stem. Brandy Alexander has been writing professionally since 2001. Willi lives in Seattle with her husband, four pet chickens, a lawn-destroying labrador, and way too many tomato plants. Willi also recently created, a site that serves up gardening and cooking inspiration. Refill the container with bottled water to just above the mass of roots. If you live in a dry climate, low humidity levels inside your home may also cause tip burn. All Rights Reserved. Removing affected leaves will encourage new growth. If the damaged areas are circular raised and reddish brown lesions with yellow halos, the lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) has been infected with Fusarium Leaf Spot (Fusarium moniliforme). Other times, it simply is a result of the natural life cycle of the plant. When you water your lucky bamboo with tap water, these substances tend to build up in the tips of the plants' leaves, eventually killing the cells, which results in tip burn. Remove your lucky bamboo from its container. Fungal spots – Fungal spots, like rust, sometimes appear on older plants. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! If your plant is getting too much sun, move it to an indirect sunlight location to prevent sunburn on the leaves. Be sure to leave the unaffected green areas intact so that they continue to grow. Then, fill a small bowl with bottled water and gently rinse the lucky bamboo roots. Change the water that your lucky bamboo sits in every week to prevent it from becoming murky and odorous. A new bamboo plant benefits from watering once or twice a week until the plant reaches the three- to six-month mark. After that time, in-ground plants usually require no … Rinse and dry the container and the pebbles. Then, fill in the spaces between the stones with water, making sure the water doesn't cover the stones. If your plant was watered with tap water previously, you may still see some tip burn after you switch to bottled water, but the problem should subside within 4 to 8 weeks. If the bamboo disease treatment calls for pruning, disinfect the pruning shears between cuts by flaming the blades so that you don’t spread the disease. Watering lucky bamboo with bottled water prevents tip burn in new plants and can fix an existing problem. Here's how to prevent tip burn from affecting your lucky bamboo plant. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. After rinsing the roots, put the lucky bamboo back into its container and add in a few marbles or pebbles around the roots to help support the plant. Lucky bamboo may look like bamboo, but it is actually a Dracena sanderiana, and like many members of the Dracena family, lucky bamboo is susceptible to a problem called tip burn, where the ends of the plants' leaves turn brown and crispy even though they are getting plenty of water.

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