Now, let's talk about what can be done in this type of scenario. First, she failed. If she loses, everybody loses. Have you asked for a guest post submission? Nothing like being trained only by the next best person…. A test implemented in the nineties I wonder how many practicing physicians who’d graduated prior would actually pass it first go with flying colors. They are both US citizens and have >$400,000 of student loan debt, mostly private loans. Gave her a what’s coming, took a break to regain his composure, then continued on about how this decision means that they have to live small so they can live like no one else etc. One has income high enough to be able to contribute to employer sponsored retirement plans, to his/her own TIRA or Roth IRA, one bottoms out their taxable income this way, then still has all the deductions – child credit, dependent care, earned income credit, favorable time off and other benefits with large employer, savers credit, various child education credits, credits for healthcare (if one is self employed ), student loan deduction, lower taxes on capital gains, no standard/itemized deductions phase out, not being slapped with AMT, extra 0.9 earned income Medicare taxes, extra 3.8 investment income taxes, marriage penalties, you name it. Then she needs to be issued a full refund or her debt need to be wiped clean. You’re still responsible for them. But when you  need someone to take a chance on you, don't ask them to take two chances. Too bad there isn't some insurance product out there that schools could purchase to at least wipe out some or all of the debt for their non-matchers. The blogger seems to think that she is entitled to a license and a residency position simply because she went through the motions. The other side of the coin is easily demonstrated when you run into a doc who clearly isn’t that bright. There are always exception and ways to show you have grown from circumstances. Most of December and January and even one in February as I recall. – Jon, Docs lose many yrs of compounded interest by starting many yrs later than we poor dentists. I absolutely agree with you. the non-trads I know who are cocky and try to act like they have some superior knowledge to everyone are early 30s. WOW I thought I would never be in Medical School at 43 but here I am! Junior Member 5 10 points. 10000 hours of direct patient care under physician supervision in PGY 1-3. She advocates for more residency spots to help the “doctor shortage.” Maybe that's part of the answer (probably not for her though, since there were apparently programs willing to not fill rather than take her.) At the end of the day, you can’t be “passive” at any step along the way. Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of 12 Thread: Anyone got Ross "horror" stories? I have a lot of respect for your truth telling. They sent me enough advertisements after I applied for MD schools. I am an IMG doctor, so naturally have so many friends who have lost out of the game b/c they couldn’t get into residency. There are plenty of anecdotal stories in the dozens of threads about Carib schools that people start every week. Payments on this type of a debt are basically the equivalent of the gross salary of the average American household and it can’t be discharged in bankruptcy. WCI implies a 24 on the MCAT isn’t up to par. Still I knew several programs that flat out told me they wouldn’t take DO residents regardless of ability. Statistically there should be a portion of applicants who don’t get in to med school, accepted students who don’t graduate, students and M.D. Click to learn more! This brings back memories from MATCH. I think it might include the SOAP/Scramble- that’s all part of the match isn’t it? While I don’t disagree that this particular doc made a lot of bad choices, and that NP school made a heck of a lot more sense financially, that income bracket has issues as well-especially if self-employed. Do you have a link to the reddit? This post makes me feel old. Absolutely, and that’s exactly what she should do. Also, don't do anything else that could hurt your application. Completing any residency program is so preferable to completing no residency program. And she is getting direct phone number contacts for jobs in the comments of her post. I've always known that if it's on the internet, then it must be true. Maybe it's marrying one of your fellow med school graduates! Entire paragraphs and multiple sentences were deleted to hopefully focus this on what people who don’t match can do. Uh, yeah, I haven’t seen any non-docs with this student loan amount. Not much to it, just bad cheesecake the night before at the dinner. Could you imagine not matching at any though? Overall, very negative post aimed at people who likely aren’t feeling great after not matching. The MCAT is a pretty poor test to determine future ability as a doctor. You don’t mention where you’re at in life, but I suspect based on your comment that you’re a student with some red flags that you’re working on overcoming and you found my post discouraging. I’ve also been on the other side of the selection process. If there is a 40-50% attrition rate and then a 60% match rate from a school like SGU, why isn't there a thread on SDN or some other website FILLED with people's horror stories? PSLF and loan repayment has been written about many times here. TBH I find the older non-trads at my school much less annoying than really young early 20's kids who never learned how to have any sense of self-worth without being externally validated by their grades. Esp with the match getting harder a school is not going to want to put itself on the hook for every student who doesn’t match. The only hope really is PSLF or someone getting a six figure job. I find it absolutely disgusting that you claim to be on an admissions committee. sit down with and ask your department chair for honest opinions regarding different programs. Just FYI, but most NP schools require 3 years of nursing, 1 in critical care, 600-800 hours of didactic training and 800-1500 hours of clinical training most of which is shadowing. At the risk of sounding elitist, medical school is not for everyone.

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