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q��ꭦӋ8f�V�y�jƱ:����>��}��s�/�����ǐC��^��kظ ���p@�xz�^�W�. When a shellfish bed has been closed indefinitely additional samples may be required before a bed may be re-opened. For class B beds in England and Wales, there is a long term classification (LTC) system. 2.0. Levels of E. coli are measured per 100g flesh. The classification of a production area determines the treatment required before Live Bivalve Molluscs (shellfish) may be marketed for human consumption. You must meet the specific requirements for purification and dispatch centres in Annex III of Regulation (EC) 853/2004. Edible shellfish are divided into two main categories: crustaceans, which include crabs and shrimp, and mollusks, which include subgroups called bivalves, gastropods and cephalopods. classification of shellfish areas with respect to their pollutant levels (actual and potential) is of paramount importance in determining the suitability of shellfish for human consumption. Shellfish production and … x(�P��3���W��¿�W�_1~�:O���y�f���+ƫXgh��ƭ�b�Vcv"8�HN��o|[��C V�oV�#��%�\rp��%��b
.���o.V�]���X}_�Fo��q���'�{c�����7�8Wv��\��Y}_3����:n��{)�L9P�� They are classified into three other subgroups—gastropods or univalves, bivalves, and cephalopods. Any areas with results above the permitted level will be closed for harvesting. Types of classification are shown in section 2.0 and details of the classification process are outlined in section 3.0. Classifications are awarded by FSS according to the degree of contamination in samples of LBM flesh (Table 1). The production or relay area application form should be completed by the applicant (the harvester) in conjunction with the local authority. ��3��y@�� � �Nw���)�S�� O�x These changes may be due to high rainfall and … Northern Ireland classification monitoring results 2020, Classification monitoring results from previous years on the National Archives website, Microbiological sampling schedules for Northern Ireland. Protocol for Classification of Shellfish Production Areas, England and Wales July 2020 This protocol reflects policy decided by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) as Central Competent Authority in England and Wales for this area of work. �kSDjdk�U[l��14��H1�ֽ���d22['�>�Ԇe`D2��#S�i���ǦM�9�i���������6�wM���U[Z��ld�[����Vm)6rՖRhp#ۀ�U���d����R��l�9L�Uur�F)��
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