Collective nouns are names for a collection or a number of people or things. You'll find a comprehensive list of this sort of term in collective nouns for animals. In this lesson, you will learn a list of common collective nouns for animals in English. There are also collective nouns to describe groups of other types of cats. Some other collective nouns which can also be used for a group of cats include: Cludder Clutter Colony – this word is typically used to describe a group of (usually) stray cats that live together in a particular territory. Young: Pup. There are a few collective nouns which can be used to describe a group of cats but the most commonly used word is ‘Clowder’. The collective noun for wild cats is the word you would use to describe a group of wild cats. MEERKAT. Word of the day. Below is a simple quiz to test your knowledge of collective nouns. We have identified the following word(s) that you could call a group of wild cats: destruction Used in a sentence, you could say "Look at the destruction of wild cats", where "destruction" is the collective noun … Hence, the caravan comes in the list of collective nouns for animals. Comical, charismatic and social mongooses living in southern Africa. See more from Common Vocabulary Questions. 8 Clowder – Collective noun of cats. Fig. Collection Noun#8: A Coalition of Cheetahs Collective Nouns A-Z Similes -A-Z PET HEALTH AND TIPS MEERKATS Mammal - Vertebrate - Omnivore. Live in burrows. ecdysiast / ɛkˈdɪzɪast / noun. The usual word that's given as the collective term for a group of cats is clowder. If more than two cats are there, a clowder of cats formed. A group of cats is known as a clowder. Who ever was responsible for defining these group words clearly chose with care and humour. For example, a group of kittens is usually referred to as a litter, but this adorable grouping can also be referred to as a kindle or an intrigue of kittens, as in, 'There is a kindle of kittens available for adoption at the library today.' Male: Meerkat. Fig. 7 Caravan – Collective noun of camels. Collective Nouns Quiz. But its origin is likely an allusion to Chaucer's poem "The Parliament of Fowls," alongside the use of parliament as a collective noun for ... to a group of wild or feral cats. It means collective noun is a single noun that is made up of more than one thing or person or etc. Female: Meerkat. Will and Guy’s Amusing Examples of Collective Nouns For Animals Collective nouns are always interesting. See definitions & examples Collective noun is a noun which describes a group of things oe people. It will track your correct answers, incorrect answers and score as a percentage.. Use the Next Question button to skip a question.. Give it a try & have some FUN! Collection Noun#7: A Clowder of Cats. Quirky Animal Collective Nouns Animal Collective Nouns – Big List Funny Clever and Clean Collective Nouns The Plain English Campaign Britain’s Most Irritating Expressions General …
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