Brand extension in unrelated markets may lead to loss of reliability if a brand name is extended too far. Due to this, wide coverage of the audience is achieved and brand recognition is increasing. One advantage is that Nike is an internationally known brand and can thus sell shoes all over the world. Disadvantages of Brand Extension: 1. Advantages and disadvantages of online brand communities from a customer`s point of view My name is Yana Ivanova and I am a Master student at Plymouth University, UK. Buying local is usually more expensive which most people find to be its biggest disadvantage. This essay is going to discuss the uses of CT and how in different situations there is an appropriate choice of technology. The advantages and disadvantages of cooperatives show the need for peer support. Indeed, a company exploitation of the online brand communities can hugely increase knowledge about customer needs, preferences and desires (actual and potential). I will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of CT and how it can have an impact on both private and public life. The process of rebranding offers a chance to engage with people on multiple platforms about your new value proposition. Branding Disadvantage #1: People Trust Your Business “Every time a Brand is made, an angel loses its wings.” -Zuzu Bailey Among them, one of the most promising is the online brand communities, born from the combination of conventional (physical) brand communities and Web 2.0 technologies. Here are four disadvantages of branding we believe are plaguing well-branded businesses and will plague you too. A potential customer can meet your brand in the VC, read about it in LJ and see in the video on YouTube. Brand Awareness; Content is placed on different sites for internet marketing at video hosting, social networks, media, thematic communities, and blogs. While I can’t argue with any of that, buying local still has some disadvantages. 2. That’s what people might have you to believe. This is a message we hear a lot lately usually followed by; it’s more sustainable, better for the environment, and it supports local businesses. “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a brand.” -Rhett Butler. This questionnaire is part of my dissertation, which deals with the topic of "online brand communities". Disadvantages Of Communication Technology 1183 Words | 5 Pages. That’s why most businesses that use this structure have like-minded individuals working with one another to reach a specific goal. An organization must research the product categories in which the established brand name will work. There must be an emphasis on de-centralization while the entire community works toward producing results. It is a way to encourage social media communities to share and discuss this important moon for your company. Buy Local! You will also have new ways to show people how your changes will benefit them in the future.
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