Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: March 2016, DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198737070.001.0001, PRINTED FROM OXFORD SCHOLARSHIP ONLINE ( 11 Cons of Religion Religion has historically been a source of war on conflict between people ever since people started believing in it. RELIGIOUS TOURISM IN NEPAL Nepal is a small and beautiful country where ‘Light of Asia’ Gautam Buddha was born. 9 I no.5, pp. Adverteren [Editor MMNieuws:] This article is an adaptation of the autor’s presentation at the Conference on Religious Heritage and Tourism: How to increase religious heritage tourism in a changing society, october 5-7 2016 in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Je moet inloggen om een reactie te kunnen plaatsen. This is because sometimes the religious pilgrims or tourist are usually hosted and end up staying in peoples homes other than hotels. Most religious sites are owned by religious organisations and this may cause challenges for their management in that they must balance the needs of their worshippers with those of visitors to the sites. Religious tourism has been characterised in different ways by researchers. Mosques are at the centre of Islamic tourism and are visited by … Never before have so many people visited so many places and seen so many diverse cultures, traditions and faiths. FAQs Culture lost of communities : In the time of change that is subject to a particular place or community, habits are often affected and loss of these is noticed. And at a time when Europe’s economic recovery is still quite slow, international tourism in 2015 brought in around 406 billion euros in exports to its destinations. Gisbert Rinschede distinguishes these by duration, by group size, and by social structure. Following a discussion of the relationship between this debate and that on multiculturalism, the ways in which social policy might address religious disadvantage are explored. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content. With such growth comes responsibility. We must also ensure respect and protection of local traditions and religious practices, especially their intangible legacy. active participation, ethno-religious group, faith, multiculturalism, religion, self-identification. BMC CultuurConferentie 2016: Participatie en Community building, BMC Cultuurconferentie 2017: Spiegels en Vensters, Maatschappelijke relevantie en burgerschap, Lancering community platform ‘Werkplaats Waterlinies’, Oprichting Community of Practice voor cultureel ondernemen in duurzame historische gebouwen. Bad coverage :can have a … Discover how conservation is managed in the Serengeti. Traffic jams and crowded streets full of ambling tourists can bring local life to a grinding halt. date: 29 November 2020. You could not be signed in, please check and try again. An extraordinary tapestry of art forms, heritage sites and spiritual festivals are living legacies of Europe’s magnificent, diverse and longstanding cultures. This chapter defines relationship with a religion as a spectrum of possibilities between self-identification with a religion and active participation in a congregation and in religious practices, and religion’s relationship with ethnicity is discussed. Partners Tourism helps them to take pride in themselves, in their history, traditions and environment. In 2015, nearly 1.2 billion people travelled to another country. Another six billion are estimated to travel each year in their own countries. Firstly, religious tourism raises awareness of our common heritage, which helps to ensure its preservation. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198737070.003.0014, Part II Advantage and Disadvantage across the Life Course, 2 The Capability Approach to Advantage and Disadvantage, 16 Social Disadvantage, Crime, and Punishment, 2 The Capability Approach to Advantage and Disadvantage, 3 The Human Rights and Equalities Agenda, 8 Accumulated Advantage and Disadvantage, 16 Social Disadvantage, Crime, and Punishment. Religious tourism attracts millions of people united in respect and reverence for the world’s great religions. Every year, about a billion tourists take trips: That makes 30 tourists arriving every second. Some Actions Are Not Excusable Many cultures use the theory as an excuse of appalling actions. When tourists meet and show interest in the unique values of local communities, these communities feel empowered. Tourism helps them to take pride in themselves, in their history, traditions and environment. Disadvantages of religious tourism Religious tourism sometimes goes unnoticed and thus has no benefit on a country or region. These legacies inspired over six hundred million travellers from around the world to visit Europe in 2015. But this only happens if communities are fully engaged and integrated in the tourism experience around them. A UNWTO study found that international visitors to museums in the Netherlands in 2014 spent 513 million euros or 857 euros per person per visit. Types. Religious heritage sites are important meeting grounds for visitors and hosts. Types.   This chapter defines relationship with a religion as a spectrum of possibilities between self-identification with a religion and active participation in a congregation and in religious practices, and religion’s relationship with ethnicity is discussed.

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