GT’s Kombucha* (Kombucha Culture*, Black Tea*, Green Tea*, Kiwi Juice*), Mango Puree* and 100% Pure Love!!! Home-brewed kombucha often has the highest levels of alcohol, up to 3%, in fact. Hard Kombucha requires non-native yeasts to be added to kombucha to yield higher alcohol content (4% ABV and higher) beverages that are subject to all Federal and local laws, labelling and taxation. But it is possible for kombucha to be produced with higher than 1.1 per cent alcohol. Over ... $350 million of which was earned by Millennium Products, Inc. which sells GT's Kombucha. In 2014, the companies that make and sell kombucha formed a trade organization, Kombucha Brewers International. Halfway through the bottle, the breathalyzer registered a .012 blood alcohol content. The alcohol content is slightly higher than your average kombucha, allowing for all the probiotics and beneficial acids to be preserved. Do not consume if you are avoiding alcohol due to pregnancy, allergies, sensitivities, or religious beliefs. is testing alcohol levels in 700 samples of the beverage from around the province. *Organically Produced Do Not Shake. KBI Recommendation for Accurate Ethanol Testing: Headspace Gas Chromatography. A study in B.C. For comparison, a light beer has around 4.2%. Homebrewers don’t always understand how the fermentation process works. By: Brew Your Bucha Posted: October 23, 2018 in Kombucha, Health, Wellness, Kombucha Alcohol Most people know that kombucha contains a trace amount of alcohol. Why does how it’s produced and by whom matter? GT’s Living Foods “Enlightened Kombucha” & Its Alcohol Content GT’S Living Foods Kombucha Products Advertised And Sold As “Non-Alcoholic”, Yet Above the Legal Limit. Please note: Kombucha is a fermented tea that has naturally occurring alcohol. If this is news to you, check out our blog post earlier this year regarding kombucha alcohol content.. A few brands are producing offerings in multiple categories. It’s not an exact percentage—for reference, GT’s Kombucha contains anywhere from 8 mg to 14 mg of caffeine per 8 oz serving, and Health-Ade has … The alcohol content of kombucha is usually less than 0.5%, but increases with extended fermentation times. First, the length of time the brew is fermented will dictate the alcohol content. To clarify, the kombucha we bought was not in the alcohol section and we were not carded. It is such a small amount of alcohol that we usually pass it off as insignificant.
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