Wow – advising people who survived childhood trauma whole scale to aboud procreating. The answer is. My bladder pain has disappeared., Carol: Sounds like you are doing great work! If you have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, heart disease, cancer or any other mental or physical illness; if you are struggling with addiction, troubled relationships, inability to work, inability to sleep or any other threatening ailment or symptom, take the ACE test. They have had our support in everything they did. Take the ACE questionnaire. Heal Write Now for Trauma Survivors & Adults Abused as Children. I no longer felt like I needed all of me to myself. Maximum score of 10 and the higher your score the more at risk you are for adult disease, anxiety depression, obesity and addiction. ”, This is the first comment I’ve ever read after recently discovered I’m over a 4.. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers. Im looking for help. In her course, what I learned was that there is no single way to predict a child’s resilience when it comes to surviving adversity. I can’t stomach the Mormon church, even though I know none of this is their fault. The residue of unresolved childhood trauma is thick, viscous and toxic. One of the coping mechanisms I did develop was to take the already low emotion state of my autistic nature and ramp that up to 11. I have been in therapy with an amazing lcsw for about 2 years now. Lots of discussions about it and ideas for how others are using it on and here in the ACEs in Pediatrics community (not just for pediatricians). He is now 38 and still struggles with normal life, but he certainly could be worse! I’ve worked through the process of deconstructing my own psyche since the age of 12 and at 55 I can now say I own myself and understand that while my stories are mine, they are not ME. I am a caregiver in my profession and am usuallly the one in my current family that takes care of others. Your experience resonates deeply with me. So, is it really in the past? My earliest childhood memories are of having zero self-confidence and being terrified of men. Which is why I’ve been been obsessed with this topic for a while now. I’m happy and healthy now, at midlife, I want to live a LONG life! I find that the worst effect of having a very high ACE score is loneliness the lack of friends. There are lots of approaches explored. Thanks for sharing. I realized that this was just one insidious was that the trauma was starting to win – it had made me one-dimensional. She always got what she wanted and I was required by my parents to let her have anything of mine that she wanted. I don’t think so. Unless you are a therapist, counselor or have the extra time to give a patient you may be left in a quandary. I’m glad you are here. Thanks for commenting. I didn’t tell anyone because I feared my parents. IT WOULD BE A GREAT resource! How I’ve responded to my childhood is who I am. All I knew for most of my life was that I was broken. But abuse, neglect and household dysfunction do relate to family members (including mother) and siblings. It nearly destroyed me – and then it saved me. I’m finally in an equal, loving, healthy relationship (with someone who probably doesn’t even have 1 ACE.) Despite my expecting it to be high I was disappointed to see that. What a journey, your transparency speaks volumes…my spirit soaked it up and is being set free daily…so glad I was BLESSED to find this website.They say “NOTHING in GOD’S world happens by MISTAKE “, I KNOW this website was ment for me and my SON to grow and understand that we can and do RECOVER if we work for it. I took the quiz and I am a 6. The ACE study has had a lot of mixed reviews in that many professionals and patients are responding with, “great, 5 out of 10 ACES, Now what?”. we can use to arm ourselves with more info. If you are familiar with the Adverse Childhood Experience study (ACE) but unsure what to do with it, or if you have never heard of the ACE study and are wondering why, one of the reasons may be that many health care professionals question what to do when they have a patient with a high ACE score. I discovered at 28 that my oldest son was severely disabled – an unknown genetic defect and I was the carrier. I’m would like to use this with my clients in Malaysia but wondering how relay the results. However, inching along IS something. I refuse to hide in shame because my son who had a ACE score of 4 or 5—depression/anxiety, choose to hang himself. Mother was molested as a young girl and raped as a young woman. This isn’t stuff that needs to be a secret. But of course, that wasn’t true for everyone. I did not and despaired (and other things were happening as well). I too am trying to find information about how to improve health and reduce risks for those of us with high ACE scores. Senior year, when I realized I was going to miss out on being Valedictorian, I had a nervous breakdown. Both my parents died before 65, multiple issues, but a heart annueurism got my dad, liver disease my mom. However, I saw Laura Porter speak and she said something I think is super important. This site has some good supportive stuff too. Despite my ACE score. Sometimes it feels like it’s itching more than a puerile dream to think I could react and function like a “normal person” I am a survivor of physical and sexual abuse by females, and so have been advocating awareness on this issue for some time. I find that the worst effect of having a very high ACE score is loneliness the lack of friends. Hang in there! We grow up, much of the memory fades or we block it out, with statements such as, "I got over it,"  "it’s in the past," "there is nothing I can do about it today." I ran away multiple times, usually after watching her being beaten or held down and choked and feeling powerless and guilty about doing nothing. At one stage I was seriously anxious about a sales job I hadn’t trained for or wanted, and felt nauseated every day for 6 months approaching work, and got sick every single month for a year. printable cialis coupon I was always in foster care, some foster care was as weird as my own home. Thanks for letting me share. Your resiliance is amazing, and I hope you will get the answers you need to enjoy your life. All of the children I grew up with, who were in likewise poor and traumatic situations, seemed to just capitulate, as if they had never even been aware there were other options. Cissy, thank you so much for the work you’ve done, and for this website and all the other resources you’ve shared. 285% more likely to have heart disease, 157% more likely to get cancer, 201% more likely for diabetes, 281% chance for a stroke and the list goes on. Also, thank you for sharing your work/insights and the name of Dr. Priscilla Dass-Brailsford because I don’t know a bit about her work but hope to learn more. Thank you so much for sharing! It’s astounding. Have you ever heard of this? I also spent time re-parenting myself and learning how to nurture myself. Not me. I was met with anger by s verbal Womens’s groups which was a surprise to me in the beginning. Then, later, in my tween and teen years, I recall being sexually abused by my father. I had a minimum of 4-5 colds per year, and they usually lasted at least 2 weeks, and most turned into sinus infection. I know my score is not high so maybe I’m making a mountain out of a mole hill. Cissy. But she didn’t care enough to dress me well or bring me up or come to concerts or anything I participated in. I now get a more typical 1-2 colds per year, and they only hang out about 3-5 days, and never turn into sinus infections. If you have negative beliefs like, "I am unimportant," "I am bad," or If you often feel, angry, worried, nervous or scared, more often than not, this originated in childhood. I also decided at an early age that I would not have children and have never regretted the decision. It is not who you are, but ultimately what happened to you during a time where you had to depend on others for safety, connection, food, shelter and love.

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