As a staff, we’re working diligently to provide ways to stay connected so that we all stay spiritually connected and strong in this new season. It … I’m grateful for you and the privilege of being your pastor! Hope in the Midst of Crisis Operation Blessing’s vice president of international operations, David Darg, is on the ground in Europe aiding refugees from Middle East nations fleeing life-threatening violence and persecution. What can we do about it? Our Lowcountry Hope Center remains open as we continue to serve hundreds of families in need. If your organization relied on revenue from in-person events, performances, services, or programs, have you considered moving these activities to a virtual platform while developing a mechanism for collecting income from users, clients, and audience members? A critical need right now is for volunteers to assist with food distribution, as much of our current volunteer base here is in the high-risk age category (over 60). Beloved People of God: As we your bishops gathered at Tagaytay for our annual Spiritual Retreat and our 85 th Plenary Assembly, a destructive typhoon raged for several days. It’s a lot! If you are not going through a crisis, then you know somebody who is. There may be long days ahead, but I believe God has some important strategies for us to not just survive, but to thrive. Jesus is our solid rock, and because of Him, death is not the end. Are their opportunities to formalize new cooperative arrangements going forward? Keeping on in the face of struggle requires inner strength, faith in something beyond self, encouraging words and acts from others. CliftonLarsonAllen is a member firm of the “Nexia International” network. Are you HopeFULL? You’ll find ways you can help during this time. Were the governance structures of your organization prepared to respond appropriately as the fallout from COVID-19 began to intensify? The depth of the disruption we are currently experiencing has undoubtedly touched nearly every aspect of your organization. Cathedral is a church centered around a GRACE so comprehensive that it compels us to GROW, do life with others in GROUPS, and help them to discover their GIFTS and calling, so that they can GIVE
Hope in the Midst of Crisis. HOPE IN THE MIDST OF CRISIS. Honing responsive fundraising approaches that can connect with your donors across a crisis. Hope in the Midst of Crisis How can we put into words the sights and smells, the tangible feeling of hopelessness, that we witnessed this past month while visiting friends at a refugee camp? Let me encourage you in just a few more ways: I look forward to being with you for church online at 11 am this Sunday as we continue building our “Hope in the Midst of Crisis”. Elegant Nonprofit Reporting: System Design, Managing Execution Risk: From Vision to Reality in Nonprofit Finance, Privacy policy, terms of use, and disclaimers, CliftonLarsonAllen Wealth Advisors, LLC disclaimers. Nonprofits are complex. Tags: COVID-19 response, nonprofit finance, nonprofit leadership, nonprofit strategy, COVID-19 financial management and disaster relief, COVID-19 inspirational and leadership tips, COVID-19 workforce and human resource guidance, Nonprofit Financial Leadership, Nonprofit general, Nonprofit Response to COVID-19, Strategic decision making | Comments Off on The Proper Application of Hope in the Midst of a Crisis. We may not be able to gather physically, but we are in this together…all of us. Intoxication-related deaths are skyrocketing across Greater Baltimore, and the consequences affect us all:
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