The Great Fire of London raged for four days in 1666, destroying much of the city and leaving some 100,000 people homeless. September 1666 greg., bis Mittwoch, 5. See more ideas about tudor house, tudor, great fire of london. September jul. Although the Great Fire of London destroyed over 13,000 houses, almost 90 churches and even the mighty St Paul’s Cathedral, a handful of survivors managed to escape the flames and can still be seen to this day.. Before we look at where these resilient old buildings are located, it’s useful to see how much of London the Great Fire actually destroyed. London was a busy city in 1666. A fire could easily get out of control. new Fire Prevention Regulations included easy access to water and the beginnings of a fire hydrant system for the city. From a wooden City it became a brick one. After the Great Fire of London, in 1666, new Building Regulations were imposed and they, repeatedly updated, have governed London building ever since. The Great Fire of London destroyed over 400 acres of London, including 13,200 houses and 87 out of 109 churches. September 1666 greg., vier Fünftel der City of London zerstörte, darunter die meisten mittelalterlichen Bauten. September jul. It was very crowded. The streets were narrow and dusty. Der Große Brand von London (englisch Great Fire of London) war eine Feuersbrunst, die vom Sonntag, 2. The houses were made of wood and very close together. May 13, 2017 - Explore Emily Hardiman-Bell's board "Tudor houses/ Fire of London" on Pinterest. all houses or buildings, whether great or small, were to be built only in brick or stone – if new houses were built of other materials they would be pulled down, meaning no more building with wood and thatch*. / 15. This myth seems to have grown up because the two catastrophes were so close together and because the Great Plague of 1665-66 was the last major outbreak of the disease in this country. / 12. Inside their homes, people used candles for light and cooked on open fires. People continued to die from plague in London after the Great Fire was over. The face of London was changed for ever.

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