, ministry, Crucifixion and Resurrection took place. Christianity was first spread through the take over of the roman empire and emperor Constantine. *Thick dashed line Compare and contrast it with Figure 5.28 (Expansion and hierarchical diffusion). (Hierarchical diffusion) where his disciples and the Apostles went to proclaim the Good News. the French armies met Muslim forces and a great battle ensued, sending the Arabs back out of France Types of Diffusion, including Barriers: It spread out trough persons who told Jesus acts others Leaders and Religious Founders: The Religious Founder was Jesus. Christianity was now spread to Rome and from there it followed the trade routes across Asia and Turkey. Romanesque abbey churches, Gothic cathedrals and Renaissance Basilicas. Originally, Christianity was a small, unorganized sect that promised personal salvation after death. Study the map of the diffusion of Christianity (Figure 5.30) and corresponding text. Early Christians debated whether they should only preach to Jews, or if non-Jews could become Christians, too. Eventually, Christianity gained followers not only from Jewish communities, … The rise of Christianity was based on people moving and sharing their belief system and ideas. The very early worships where in synagogues, catacombs or private homes. - problems occur on the boundaries between two languages ... How did Christianity diffuse and what types of diffusion did it employ? *Thin dashed line, French settlers reach Quebec, Canada in the seventeenth century. *In 33 A.D. Paul the apostle begins his first of 3 missionary trips. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Since its foundation, Ancient Rome was a deeply religious society and religious and political office often went hand in hand. Cassidy Anderson & Nicole Perez Muslim governor was killed during this time. Jesus sets forth his tenets in the Roman province known at the time as Judea and preaches his message gaining followers. The major splits are between Catholic and Orthodox in 1054 AD and between Catholic and Protestant in 1500s AD. Christianity help the world to created two 'great factors in civil liberty, which are a consolidated public opinion and an efficient system of representative government. This put a stop on the Muslims expansion of Western Europe. At the Battle of Tours in France, , a Christian, defeats a large army of Spanish Moors. Diffusion of an idea or innovation can occur in more than one way. *Thin dashed line, By 1900 Christianity has spread into every continent and is a major world religion. The diffusion of the Catholic religion spread across the Roman Empire by hierarchical diffusion. Missionaries have played a huge part in the spread of Christianity and is one of the main reasons that Christianity is considered contagious diffusion, because it has no bias. *Thin dashed line, Christianity reached Africa in the 19th century due to the missionaries sent over in the Scramble for Africa. *In 313 A.D. Emperor Theodosius proclaims Christianity as the official religion. Immigrants in America in the late 19th and early 20th Century. Christianity is spread through expansion Christianity was now spread to Rome and from there it followed the trade routes across Asia and Turkey. http://www.usatoday.com/news/graphics/pew-religion-08/flash.htm. For example, Christianity diffused through hierarchical diffusion and expansion diffusion. *Thin dashed line, Missionaries journeyed to South and Central America, protestants escaping persecution brought their beliefs to North America and Christianity has reached New Zealand and Australia. *Thin dashed line, LINEA DEL TIEMPO DE LA PREHISTORIA A LA CONTEMPORÁNEA, PRINCIPALES TEORÍAS DEL COMERCIO INTERNACIONAL, Imperio de Maximiliano, restaruacion de la republica y Porfiriato, Linea de Tiempo de la Historia de Honduras, historia de la evaluacion del desempeño laboral, LOS VIAJES DE EXPLORACIÓN A AMÉRICA Y SU IMPACTO EN AMBOS CONTINENTES, LÍNEA DEL TIEMPO INNOVACIONES TECNOLÓGICAS, los 5 periodos de la historia de colombia, Presidentes de la república después del frente nacional, LINEA DEL TIEMPO DE LA HISTORIA DEL SOFTWARE, LÍNEA DEL TIEMPO DE LA HISTORIA DEL BASQUETBOL, linea de tiempo 1829-1852 (mandato de rosas) Pedro Arbesu, Presidentes de la República de Panamá, desde 1903 hasta 1955, See more Science and Technology timelines. *In 34 A.D. At this same time Nero (the Roman Emperor at the time) makes Christianity illegal but the apostles continue spreading the message through secret sermons. *In 30-33 A.D. Jesus is killed and resurrected leaving the task of spreading Christianity to his apostles. The spread of Christianity is relocation diffusion. *Thick dashed line, In the 15th century with the founding of the new world, explorers and immigrants took their faith with them. *In about 34 A.D. Emperor Constantine converts and many of his subjects convert with him. Today Christians worship in churches. Salvation was possible through belief in Jesus as the son of God—the same God the Jews believed in. Relocation diffusion best describes Christianity because by definition its the spread through peoples movement from place to place. It spread out in a hierarchical diffusion and later as expansion diffusion. History: Founded 30 AD in Palestine by Jesus. Hierarchical diffusion is the spread of an idea from persons or nodes of authority or power to other persons or places.
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