He writes to her in despair over war and the death of his children. I’m so glad more people are finding out about her! The Primary Sources for the Life and Work of Hypatia of Alexandria by Michael Deakin. As a favor to my readers and Hypatia fans, I put all the material in one place. Thus she came to be widely and deeply trusted throughout the city, accorded welcome and addressed with honor. If you feel you can’t afford the $2.99 for the eBook, contact me through this website and I’ll send you a free PDF copy. He asks her to build him a hydrometer to help with self-diagnosing an illness. Most people, who write about the distant past, whether in non-fiction or fiction, try to “get it right.” It’s hard when the sources are slender and the “facts” are disputed, but we try our best. But there’s a man in Canada who seems linked to your site asks us to sign a petition concerning Hypatia then asks for money! I waited awhile because I wanted to renovate my site and offer a gift to people who followed me or signed up for my (infrequent) newsletter. The oldest accounts of Hypatia come to us from either the Suda (or Suidae) Lexicon or from the writings of the early Christian Church. For organization’s sake, I’ll go chronologically, starting with one of my favorite characters from Hypatia’s story: Synesius of Cyrene. Osen, Lynn M. … Hi Victor! 458, d. 540), also known as “the last of the Neoplatonists” was a pagan philosopher and the last head of the School of Athens, which Emperor Justinian closed in 529. If you feel you can’t afford the book, contact me through this website and I’ll send you a free PDF copy. She was a remarkable woman and it pains me that she is not more widely known today. 3. wrote a history of the Church covering 305 – 439 in an effort to continue the work of Eusebius of Caesarea. Unfortunately, this fictional account has been spread as truth in other publications that depend on Osen. Just finished your excellent introduction to Hypatia…..I’m glad to know interest in her is growing. Little is known about John. The greatest loss of all, however, is the absence of your divine spirit. In one she is described as “the most holy philosopher” and, in another, Synesius received “the fruitful wisdom of Hypatia.” (English translations can be found here.). It’s Women’s History Month, so here’s another Hypatia article! In 409, the people of Ptolemais asked him to be their bishop. ( Log Out /  I think society needs to be more aware of women especially in science. We could have had a cure for cancer and cities on Mars by now. Did she want to shield her devoted student from her own troubles? So glad you liked the post, Leif, and even more glad you highlight great women on your blog! And the governor of the city honored her exceedingly; for she had beguiled him through her magic. wrote a history of the Church covering 305 – 439 in an effort to continue the work of Eusebius of Caesarea. THE PRIMARY SOURCES. For an accessible account of them, giving more detail than I provide here, see Mueller [14]. Cyril is revered among the Copts as one of their greatest saints and his relics greatly venerated. He remained devoted to her and corresponded regularly after he moved back to his family estate. Thank you for commenting over on my blog and giving me the oportunity to visit yours. There’s no evidence for or against this theory.) And all the people surrounded the patriarch Cyril and named him ‘the new Theophilus’; for he had destroyed the last remains of idolatry in the city.”. An Ethiopic manuscript, translated from Arabic came to light and, in 1916, this was translated into English. Furthermore, when an archon was elected to office, his first call was to her, just as was also the practice in Athens…Now the following event took place. I’ve posted several in the past two years and put this one off, because it’s such a tricky one. Angel of the Marshes is a prequel/short story from my Theodosian Women series featuring the origin story of one of my favorite characters from my novel Twilight Empress. *********************************************. Ecclesiastical History by Socrates Scholasticus. He recommends his friends (possibly relatives) and asks her to see to their well-being. He writes to her in despair over war and the death of his children. For all those Hypatia fans out there, I’ve reviewed the four most extensive, and most quoted, primary sources and summarized what historians have generally come to believe about the motives of the authors. For as she had frequent interviews with Orestes, it was calumniously reported among the Christian populace, that it was she who prevented Orestes from being reconciled to the bishop. He asked what was the meaning of the gathering and why there was a commotion at the house. She is a role model, not just for women, but for all of us. Thanks for checking out my blog. Some of them therefore, hurried away by a fierce and bigoted zeal, whose ringleader was a reader named Peter, waylaid her returning home, and dragging her from her carriage, they took her to the church called Caesarion, where they completely stripped her, and then murdered her with tiles. And surely nothing can be farther from the spirit of Christianity than the allowance of massacres, fights, and transactions of that sort.”. Writing 25 or more years after Hypatia’s murder, Socrates of Constantinople (b. He attributes Hypatia’s murder directly to her involvement in these disputes. And yet she was very beautiful and well-proportioned.” He continues with the (until then unknown) anecdote of Hypatia giving a bloody menstrual rag to a love-sick student and follows with: “Hypatia’s style was like this: she was not only well-versed in rhetoric and in dialectic, but she was as well wise in practical affairs and motivated by civic-mindedness. 458, d. 540), also known as “the last of the Neoplatonists” was a pagan philosopher and the last head of the School of Athens, which Emperor Justinian closed in 529.

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