The Quran also confirms that Allah (SWT) ordered everyone t… Volume VI, Islam in the World Today, sheds light on the dynamics and practices of Muslim communities in contemporary societies across the world, by providing a rigorous analysis of their economic, political, socio-cultural and educational characteristics. 10 Personality Traits Of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Every Muslim Must Know - He lived his life as Allah (SWT) wanted him to without any hesitation and served as a guideline for the Muslims today on how to live life according to Islam and be successful in this world and in the Hereafter. A Muslim believes in Allah being the Supreme and the Lord, however, it is only the believers who are familiar with the essence of it and they truly understand the place of Allah in this universe. Thirdly, in continuation to the sings of the believers mentioned in the above ayah where they are in the awe of Allah, the pursuit and possession of knowledge is another factor that can be found in the personality of a believer. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. Characteristics of Islam. K M Zubair (Reflections) Filed on July 24, 2013 Islam stands for complete submission to Allah Islam is the religion of truth. One of the Islamic major characteristic is their lack of bodily desires; they never get tired, do not eat or drink and have no anger. Becoming a believer is not an easy thing to do, rather a Muslim has to have understanding of Islam, learn Quran in the best manner and then move on to applying those in practice. You did not create all of this in vain. It consists of many different relationships; with his Lord, his own self, his family and the people around him. Islamic Personality Traits More often than not, results from studies on personality in the local context indicate divergence of findings when compared with the established Big Five construct. When one develops self control and patience in the personality, he or she automatically develops greater resistance against evil and whenever they are in some difficulty they resort to their patience and consider it a test from Allah instead of whining about it and falling prey to the evil temptations as a means of escape. Whenever he was given any choice between Allah (SWT) and the worldly desires, he would always choose the path of righteousness and the path prescribed by Allah (SWT). When a person accepts Islam, he or she enters the circle of Islam. Becoming a believer or walking in the way of Allah does not mean that a person should become ascetic and cut off his relation from the world, rather, he has to realize the obligations he has towards the world and should try to perform those obligations in the best manners. Astudy on Malay personality by Mastor, Jin and Cooper (2000) found that items related to Openness and Extraversion facets failed to form a clear factor structure. reply; Aubrey Williams. After becoming a Muslim, one has to move forward in Islam and try achieving the level of a believer. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was someone who always chose Allah (SWT) over everything and anything. Development of Islamic Personality Dr. Harris Shah Abd Hamid Department of Psychology, IIUM 2. Although by accepting Him one enters Islam, however, by sending excessive peace and blessings (Durood) upon Him is something which the believers indulge in frequently. Ameen, How Much Fasting Is Significant On Ashura And Muharram, Be Mindful of Allah, And Allah will Protect You, Importance of Worship According to the Quran & Sunnah – Types of Worship in Islam, Prophets and messengers in Islam: Belief and Obedience. The ayah explains that the ones who are in true awe of Allah are the ones who possess knowledge. Characteristics. Personality Traits of Prophet Muhammad SAW admin October 29, 2018 May 22, 2020 The Holy Prophet himself was the best example of the good moral character to emulate when he was giving a call to his followers. Main characteristics of Islam that distinguish it from other religions are as follows: 1- Islam addresses all centuries and all people; its principles meet all needs of humanity. Most of the people perceive that with the acceptance of Islam, the journey to truth ends and all that is left for new Muslims is to spend their life and die as a Muslim. A Muslim is aware of the stature and place the personality of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) holds in Islam. Secondly, the believer is someone who remembers Allah Almighty. They remember God, standing, sitting, and reclining, and consider the creation of the heavens and the earth, (and say): Our Lord! According to the above quote, the first strength necessary for a complete Islamic personality is physical strength. Some qualities of the Ideal Muslim personality are mentioned below that every Muslim should adopt: In short, the above mentioned some qualities; every Muslim tries to make as part of their character and personality. Therefore, the second major attribute to be found in the personality of a believer is the quest for knowledge for understanding the creation of Allah Almighty with the objective of praising Him and being in His awe. Fifthly, a believer is one who deals with other in the most beautiful manner. Personality Individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving 4. Some qualities of the Ideal Muslim personality are mentioned below that every Muslim should adopt: Allah comes first: Just like our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), we should give absolute priority to Allah’s orders. Allah says in Holy Quran: “Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and (in), the difference of night and day are tokens (of His sovereignty) for men of understanding. This ayah shows that the believing men and women are the ones who send peace and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Conversely, when we neglect our health, we fall victim to physical … “For men and women who are devoted to God– believing men and women, obedient men and women, truthful men and women, steadfast men and women, humble men and women, charitable men and women, fasting men and women, chaste men and women, men and women who remember God often– God has prepared forgiveness and a rich reward.” [Qur’an, 33:35], Some Prominent Instances from Life Of Hazrat Fatima (R.A), The Importance Of Surah kahf-Friday And Its Major Themes, Importance of Worship According to the Quran & Sunnah – Types of Worship in Islam, Prophets and messengers in Islam: Belief and Obedience. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once explained the major signs of a believer to Hazrat Ali (RA) where He said: “O Ali! In short, the journey in Islam does not end at being a Muslim or just accepting Islam, rather a Muslim has to progress further and achieve the level of a believer. Characteristics of Leadership: Islamic perspe ctive Mustafa Monjur As a social being each and every man has to lea d his life through a mutual relationship. He forms a personality that lacks distinctiveness, a personality with variance and discrepancy, one whose thoughts are different from his inclinations, because he understands words and sentences and comprehends the reality in a mode different to his inclinations. A believer is the one who will be offered greater reward in the world hereafter. The hadith highlights various aspects of the personality of a believer. The seeking of knowledge is what brings a believer close to Allah Almighty and with more knowledge a person gets to understand Who Allah is and how does He control and possess everything that He has created. Fourthly, forbearance is another element that is to be found in the personality of a believer. The truth of the matter is that accepting Islam is the half of the story, half of it begins with the accepting of Islam and moving forward in the way of righteousness. His bel… Muslims should follow His commands with devotion and love. Prophet (PBUH) was the Prophet of Allah, the leader of Islam however, when He passed away all He left was nothing as mentioned in the above hadith. A study using NEO-PI-R in Indonesia (largest … Islamic Personality Traits More often than not, results from studies on personality in the local context indicate divergence of findings when compared with the established Big Five construct. In other words, a believer will be someone who is the best in ethics and has a greater moral character accompanied with best mannerism. Another sings of the believers in Islam is that they are awed by Allah Almighty. Most of the people perceive that with the acceptance of Islam, the journey to truth ends and all that is left for new Muslims is to spend their life and die as a Muslim.
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