Satin Bowerbirds feed mostly on fruits throughout the year. All bowerbirds are frugivores, living mainly on the fruits of trees and bushes; occasionally, they eat insects, spiders, and seeds. Behaviour. The Satin Bowerbird, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus, is a small Australian bird known for its ability to build a special area for attracting females.This bower is filled with blue objects to help attract a female. During winter, flocks frequent open habitats such as parks, gardens and orchards. The bower sites are usually dispersed through suitable rainforest and woodlands. There are six bird species in the bowerbird genus, of which five build a some kind of courting area.The Golden Bowerbird sits on a bridge he has made between sticks decorated like maypoles. HABITAT AND DIET. It is also found in nearby open areas. Seasonal movements The mature male Satin Bowerbirds are mostly solitary, but the 'green' birds … Habitat. A female satin bowerbird holds a tasty grub in her beak. Habitat Satin Bowerbirds prefer the wetter forests and woodlands, and nearby open areas, although those around the Atherton Tableland are largely rainforest inhabitants. Satin Bowerbirds prefer the wetter forests and woodlands, and nearby open areas, although those around the Atherton Tableland are largely rainforest inhabitants. HABITAT: The Satin Bowerbird frequents humid forests and woodlands and their edges. Feeding.

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