• The interface between basic research and the clinical setting, striving to find how new knowledge of disease mechanisms can be developed into clinically relevant understandings, and diagnostic an… • The translation of basic research into research with humans. 776 0 obj
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T1 research tests findings from basic research for clinical effect and/or applicability. - 3 First in Humans (FIH) (healthy volunteers) 4. Exemplified by: Human Physiology. h��_o�6�� Preclinical and Animal Studies 2. Approaches include: 1. endstream
Translation to Humans. 1006 0 obj
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One characteristic of safety biomarkers is that they are noninvasive and translate between species. hTmO�0�+��41�;��*��@�V�$��zmD�VI�����nT-H���r����9c a�3�� ��"� ��($�������"�0ANN��-�Q�右z�TM��뗕�����4n��b��_��˞Z��
�\�Ѳ^�����ct. T1 Research: translation to humans, including proof of concept studies, Phase 1 clinical trials, and focus on new methods of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention in highly-controlled settings; T2 Research: translation to patients, including Phase 2 and 3 clinical trials, and controlled studies leading to clinical application and evidence-based guidelines; r,��`$����y��Ѭ��A�����l��)"@��FCXN������@ke�˷i^ �C�A�!��4c4c+ccc�cD��N{��D�0�pN3}�W���G��Mm�*�3�2��d�g� ����\�(c0 Ƈ:�
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Proof of Concept (POC) 5. 1015 0 obj
T1 research yields knowledge about human physiology and the potential for intervention. 760 0 obj
20-80) for the first time to determine efficacy and evaluate safety (e.g., determine a safe dosage ra… %PDF-1.6
T1 research yields knowledge about human physiology and the potential for intervention. Phase I Clinical Trials: Tests a new biomedical intervention in a small group of people (e.g. 990 0 obj
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In T2 level research, we test new therapies in controlled settings to provide guidelines for use in clinical settings. With T1 translational research, findings from basic research are tested for clinical effect and/or applicability. 793 0 obj
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Translational research is the research process that investigates and translates nonclinical research results into clinical applications and tests their safety and efficacy in a Phase 1 clinical trial. T1 level research is designed to move basic discoveries to health applications, such as our work on shared decision-making for pediatric patients with chronic illnesses. 0
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9�z�@0/��8쇭_s��뛁us��P~��13���Ъ�QX���Q%�^�Vk��v�����7��rW�39�!ǃDG. • Developing treatments and interventions. For example, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) describes translational research in two defined stages, defining T1 as “the process of applying discoveries generated during research in the laboratory, and in preclinical studies, to the development of trials and studies in humans” and T2 as “the research aimed at enhancing the adoption of best practices in the community.” A quantitative method of combining the results of independent studies, which are drawn from the published literature, and synthesizing summaries and conclusions.
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