Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Your telescope might not be collimated. Being low contrast, your eye will not perceive a lot of detail anyway, so for these objects seeing doesn't matter. You will likely need to constantly re-adjust the focus of your telescope when stargazing, because everyone’s eyes are different. After you find the focus control, point your telescope at a distant target ( not the … Last night I was observing for about an hour, which I believe would be enough time for the temperature of the telescope to match the temperature outside. It is caused by the atmosphere, and in this case, it is hard to focus so focusing aid will help you with that. (EDIT: yes, there is - page 20) A miscollimated scope indeed behaves as you described - seems "sharp" at low-ish magnification, but quickly becomes blurry if you push magnification up. This is in perfect collimation, perfect thermal equilibrium, high quality optics throughout the stack (primary and secondary mirrors, eyepieces), and good seeing typical of N. California. If the telescope is massively miscollimated, you'll get an improvement immediately. Have any other US presidents used that tiny table? Check Howie Glatter's site - he makes some of the most precise collimators currently available: Regardless, just learn any method you can and apply it. How should this half-diminished seventh chord from "Christmas Time Is Here" be analyzed in terms of its harmonic function? By slightly adjusting their position, you can change the focus so that blurry stars become sharp points of light. These rings are still stars, but your telescope is so out of focus that they’re blurred out. The only object I could barely see was the moon. A lot of people are not aware of it. You’ll want to know how to focus your telescope before you try it in the dark, so try it during the daylight hours until you are comfortable with how it works. The image at higher magnification will always seem a bit more soft, compared to lower magnification - even in perfect seeing with a collimated instrument. Using Saturn as a reference, with a 20mm eye piece it is very sharp. The mask could be made from a piece of cardboard and a sharp knife in like 20 minutes. Thanks for contributing an answer to Astronomy Stack Exchange! I could not see any detail. Rare is the night (at most sites) when any telescope, no matter how large its aperture or perfect its optics, can resolve details finer than 1 arcsecond. October 8, 2008. I'm using the Celestron NexStar Evolution 8 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope. and adjust the focus so that you get a sharp image. You'll often hear on the Internet how Cassegrain instruments, or other scopes with a large central obstruction (secondary mirror) are supposedly less "sharp" than scopes without a central obstruction, or ones with a very small obstruction. Why do people call an n-sided die a "d-n"? Does an irregular word decline regularly if it is used as a proper name? In Jupiter I can never see the spot. It's like zones of latitude similar to Jupiter's equatorial belts, but very, very pale and faded. One thing that is certainly NOT a factor is the central obstruction. Congratulations for being aware of, and following, the rule that says you need to acclimate the scope to ambient temperature. Maybe seeing is persistently bad (it can happen), or maybe the scope is off-collimation. What can we expect to see with a telescope with a 70mm aperture and a 10mm eyepiece? It looks super-sharp and high-contrast at 136x but it's kind of small. Hold a piece of paper behind the focuser and move it until the moon appears in focus. But yes, a dirty lens on the eyepiece could soften the image quite a bit. Several things could cause what you describe: Seeing (turbulence) might be bad. (All telescopes are a little different, so you should look in your telescope instruction manual to help you find your focus control.) Can you easily see the Cassini division in Saturn's rings? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Why does Chrome need access to Bluetooth? There isn't enough "back focus" after the eyepiece holder. Jupiter works best at not so high magnification, otherwise the contrast gets too low. You'll use it a lot, probably more than the 10mm. Another factor is optics quality. When the conditions are poor, the object can wiggle and wobble. With the 10 mm lens, you get 200x. Constructing a periscope/telescope - trouble with lenses. It is much easier to familiarize yourself with focusing, aiming the telescope and aligning the StarPointer in daylight if you are new to astronomy. Are broiler chickens injected with hormones in their left legs? (All telescopes are a little different, so you should look in your telescope instruction manual to help you find your focus control.). To reach focus with the telescope also depends on many outside factors like current seeing conditions or type of the telescope. Remove the camera or eyepiece and accessories from the focuser, wind the focuser all the way in, then point at the moon. It's been shrinking and fading for decades now. If you use the plastic caps and you're careful when handling eyepieces, the other end should stay clean a very long time. It's a good idea to google around for various collimation techniques, there's so many of them. I'll update you here as soon as that happens - the next week or so doesn't look good, @MikeWillis added more edits to the post above, I'm having trouble achieving sharp telescope focus,, MAINTENANCE WARNING: Possible downtime early morning Dec 2/4/9 UTC (8:30PM…, “Question closed” notifications experiment results and graduation. I'm in a suburban area so I'm sure there is light pollution, could that be a factor? More typical at ordinary locations is 2- or 3-arcsecond seeing, or worse. Heat waves seem to shimmer across the Moon. Check them, both ends. But when I go to 10mm or 6mm, it gets bigger and blurrier. There's nothing you can do about this, but the good news is - this problem is not very common nowadays; optics quality, while not always great, tends to be at least passable in many cases.

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