Gene cloning is a carefully regulated technique that is largely accepted today and used routinely in many labs worldwide. Therapeutic cloning bears an incalculable value in science and medicine. The ethical debate over therapeutic cloning, and human embryonic stem cell research more generally, is less complex but no less contentious than the debate over reproductive cloning [2]. Therapeutic cloning: Ethics, public opinion; legislation. In 2005, the United Nations attempted to pass a global ban on human cloning, but was unsuccessful due to disagreements over whether therapeutic cloning should be included. It would have defined cloning as any somatic cell nuclear transfer, including procedures intended for either reproductive or therapeutic cloning. The ban involves both the so-called therapeutic and reproductive replication of humans. A new patient is added to the national transplant waiting list in the United States, on average, every 10 minutes. It is the generally recognized scientific term for cloning. Scientists studying human embryonic stem cells and therapeutic cloning have a … However, both reproductive and therapeutic cloning raise important ethical issues, especially as related to the potential use of these techniques in humans. Human cloning may refer to “therapeutic cloning,” particularly the cloning of embryonic cells to obtain organs for transplantation or for treating injured nerve cells and other health purposes. Any piece of legislation that includes SCNT includes cloning. N THIS ESSAY,I WILL CONSIDER the ethics of reproductive and therapeutic cloning. For now, human cloning remains in a stalemate from both a scientific and public policy perspective -- the future of human cloning will likely depend on which side gives in first. Whereas European countries unanimously agree that reproductive cloning should be prohibited there is no agreement to be found on whether or not research into therapeutic cloning should be permitted. But I want also to advance a more general claim: that the cloning issue,and related debates about genetic engineering,will change the way philos-ophers think about their subject.Much of the debate about cloning and genetic Human cloning pros and cons: Restrictions and laws. Since the UK took the lead and voted in favour of regulations allowing therapeutic cloning the public debate has intensified on the Continent. 2001-JAN-28: Ban of all cloning: Sen. Sam Brownback introduced bill S. 1899, titled: "Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001." Therapeutic cloning could eliminate lengthy treatment times. For those waiting for a kidney, it could be up to 5 years, and sometimes longer, to find someone who is a direct match Dolly the Sheep was created through the SCNT process. As already mentioned above, the very procedure of cloning people is banned in many countries. About 20 people die every day waiting for an organ. It is sometimes used instead of the word “cloning” in order to mislead the public. SCNT is used for both "therapeutic" and "reproductive" cloning .Don’t be fooled.
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