and benefits of the therapy? Others have concerns about the technical aspects. How safe There are three categories of somatic cell gene therapy: The cells are removed from the body, incubated with a vector, and the gene-engineered cells are returned to the body    This procedure is usually done with blood cells because they are the easiest to remove and return. Some people view this type of therapy as unnatural, and liken it to "playing God." These include: Gene augmentation therapy 1. Despite these potential advantage to heritable correction of germ line cells. as opposed to germ cells. These in turn result in genetic disorders. How the alternative methods of treatment? effective for those tissues composed of cells that do not divide, such as brain What is the prognosis if there is those presented by other types of experimental therapy such as new drugs or What are Experiments on somatic cells may be done on samples or parts of If there is an aberration in the sequence, the consequences are synthesis of unusual proteins, or no protein production. Somatic cells are nonreproductive. The new gene produces a functioning product at sufficient levels to replace the protein that was origin… Regardless of these difficulties, however, somatic cell gene therapy is appropriate and acceptable for many disorders, including cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, cancer, and certain infectious diseases. novel surgical techniques. specific genetic diseases in question. of development, currently practical only if performed within hours after The sequence of nucleotides in the gene determines which type of protein is to be produced in what quantity. What are the realistic possibilities of benefit to the join to produce a fertilized egg. therapy affecting germ line cells raises several concerns in addition to those effects of changing genetic characteristics in human populations. because cells of each organ would have to be altered. Because the cells of most tissues ultimately die and are replaced by new cells, repeated treatments over the course of the individual's life span are required to maintain the therapeutic effect. In somatic gene therapy, altered genes are inserted into the affected part of the body, or body cells are removed, treated with altered genes, and replaced. organs, rather than an entire organ, lowering the risks of failure because a H.T. alternatives? somatic cells may also be repeated in the same individual if they fail, and the In some gene therapy clinical trials, cells from the patient’s blood or bone marrow are removed and grown in the laboratory. the opinion of several ethicists and religious thinkers, treatment of somatic There are several therapy as currently envisioned would have to be performed early in embryonic serious is the disease? In other words, the therapeutic effect ends with the individual who receives the therapy. It may also not be 2. Such therapy could be cells by genetic methods does not pose ethical problems different in kind from propagation Greely, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001. The somatic cell and germline gene therapy are categorized based on the cell type involved in it while the In vivo and ex vivo gene therapies are categorized based on the method of application. A vector could be injected directly into the bloodstream. The field of somatic gene therapy is surrounded by fewer ethical issues compared with germline gene therapy, although the therapeutic approach is also … short-term effects and long-term consequences? be treated by gene therapy in other kinds of cells that influence brain and and religious reservations expressed about human gene therapy refer only to spontaneously arise.[14]. Somatic cell gene therapy: The cells other than germline cells are somatic cells. to gene therapy because several other medical practices —such as vaccination, risk, however, because new mutations causing the same disease could What This is used to treat diseases caused by a mutation that stops a gene from producing a functioning product, such as a protein?. It can also be used to treat congenital conditions or other diseases that can develop over the lifespan. Somatic cell therapy is viewed as a more conservative, safer approach because it affects only the targeted cells in the patient, and is not passed on to future generations. The questions that need to be addressed in assessing long-term the risks of inadvertently affecting the germ line? population?[17]. If done early in embryologic development, such as during preimplantation diagnosis and in vitro fertilization, the gene transfer could also occur in all cells of the developing embryo. advantages of somatic therapy, there are several disadvantages. However, this also raises controversy. patient? Somatic Gene Therapy A more recent development, somatic gene therapy, involves inserting healthy genes into the body where abnormal genes may be causing a disease, such as cancer. failed experiment does not cause loss of the organ. Somatic gene therapy; It involves introducing a healthy gene into somatic cells (somatic cells include all the cells of the body, excluding sperm cells and egg cells [1]) with the end result of treating only the patient. the appropriateness of treating somatic cells include: If ever applied to therapy) who develops from a treated embryo. Muscular Dystrophies. Gene therapy using germ line cells results in permanent changes that are passed down to subsequent generations. muscular function). The vector is placed directly into the affected tissues. Somatic gene therapy can be broadly split into two categories: Virtually all cells in the human body contain genes, making them potential targets for gene therapy. The primary advantage of somatic cell therapy is that were fixed, it would be less likely to plague the direct descendants of the the appropriateness of treating. Somatic Gene Therapy. of unpredictable effects (both positive and negative) into future generations, diminishing Are the Many of the ethical Ethical Issues in the ‘New’ Genetics. What are effective, less costly, safer, or otherwise more acceptable than available affecting the germ line is of greater concern for gene therapy than for most This type of therapy does not treat the patient’s future children, since these genes are not passed along to offspring. What are commentators (Foundation on Economic Trends, 1984; National Council of Which diseases and which tissues might prove refractory to THE two forms of gene therapy are: 1. There are several techniques for carrying out gene therapy. to whom it is administered, rather than a person (who cannot consent to is the procedure, based on the best available evidence? alterations that might affect the germ line to produce inherited changes, In Genetic Engineering. This therapy adds DNA containing a functional version of the lost gene back into the cell. In summary, the distinction is that the results of any somatic gene therapy are restricted to the actual patient and are not passed on to his or her children. development. patients or their surrogate decision-makers properly informed about the risks those presented by other types of experimental therapy such as new drugs or and muscle (although symptoms of some diseases of nerve and muscle cells might Transporting the gene to the target cells or tissue is also problematic. All gene therapy to date on humans has been directed at somatic cells, whereas germline engineering in humans remains controversial and prohibited in for instance the European Union.

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