To summarize, the addition of a self-contained engine has supercharged an otherwise mediocre archetype into a very powerful force in Modern. I’ve developed a love/hate relationship with the card, because while it can be busted at times, I find a hard time turning it on before turn 2, which is not fast enough for the format. Karn, the Great Creator - (G) (SF) (txt)Mycosynth Lattice - (G) (SF) (txt)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. Compared to other Modern decks, the Urza family of decks isn’t very impressive on paper. It has alternative routes to victory that are cheaper, but the main threat of the deck costs four and is sorcery-speed. Sitting back will not win the game. Abrade and company are still valuable in that respect, but should be regarded as speed bumps rather than an actual solution. .FIYolDqalszTnjjNfThfT{max-width:256px;white-space:normal;text-align:center} Thopter-Sword is still present, but fairly incidental. This build also runs the risk of clunking out. The lynchpin is Urza, Lord High Artificer. The lynchpin is Urza, Lord High Artificer. Upvote 0. But how exactly does the combo work, so you know how to play it, OR how to disrupt it properly when you’re staring down the combo on the other side of the table? Edit Live Edit. Ideally you want to have it on for turn 2 so you can Whir for a combo piece. Urza's Combo Modern Daddyshere. Since i never played this deck myself, i have nothing more to add than: congratulations on your 5-0! Could you paste this into a deckbuilder website for other folks? Let me know what you guys think! Urza is also an inherently powerful card, especially with Grinding Station, and it’s hard to convince me to leave him out of an artifact deck in Modern. Urza decks are built like sorcery speed artifact combo decks first, and have non-combo elements secondary, if at all. This way, you could start whirring on turn 2, ideally. Lasting hate like Leyline of the Void, Rest in Peace, and Scavenging Ooze are better than one shots like Tormod’s Crypt and Surgical Extraction, since Urza players are aware of the their weakness and have adapted their play to mitigate one-shot effects. However, the utility of each activation snowballs and a tipping point is reached where the game just slips away. I posted a 4-1 with this, with the loss being to infect. In other words, Urza drops the same turn or sooner than the fastest proactive extraction effect, Lost Legacy, frequently rendering that sort of card moot. Like Twin, Urza presents a turn four-ish win based on a four-mana spell. It feels very weird both to play against and to pilot. Most post-games where mill helps opp. Once you have all three pieces in play, you can tap Sword of the Meek for mana using Urza’s ability and sacrifice it to Thopter Foundry to … ._33axOHPa8DzNnTmwzen-wO{font-size:14px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:32px;text-transform:uppercase;display:block;padding:0 16px;width:100%} Anyway, let me know what you guys think! When the thopter comes into play, Sword triggers and you put it back into play attached to the thopter. A frequent problem for Whirza is needing to find both a combo piece and a way to survive the turn cycle while only having one tutor. It’s also hard to cast the card early without a fast Emry to turn on Amber. The first popularized version included the Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek combo. Have both in play, tap the Sword of the Meek to make a blue mana with Urza, spend it to make a Thopter with Thopter foundry saccing Sword of the Meek. Whether you just want to try your luck at what you may hit or have generated infinite mana for the win, having access to that as your Commander creates a constant threat of going off. However, Twin was built to be a tempo deck with a combo kill, and played mostly at instant speed. Urza generates a threat upon entering the battlefield, makes every artifact into Mox Saphire, and offers a card advantage engine for good measure. Playtest v1. Whirza’s greatest strength is its flexibility. Exactly why and how shifts from deck to deck, but they all get worse when denied that resource. I think it’s a cool idea, but I’m not sure how good it’d be. If only urza was not so expensive right now... How did Mirrodin Besieged work for you? When Emry, Lurker of the Loch was printed, players quickly realized that she went infinite looping legendary Moxen with Jeskai Ascendancy in play: every Mox cast via Emry triggers Ascendancy, then replaces the current version, which in turn can be recast an arbitrary number of times. I 5-0'd a Modern League (2-1 against GB rock, 2-1 against UW control, 2-1 against mono red Phoenix, 2-1 against Mardu Pyro, and 2-0 against Grixis Control), granted I played against all of what I consider to be favorable matchups. It doesn’t have room for any maindeck protection for those spells. At time of writing, the greatest strength is that this deck is new. As expensive payoffs, those cards also contribute to clunky hands. EDIT 2: I'm taking a hiatus from magic until July. In a flip of the script, I’m not sure this deck does anything without Oko, to the point I’d target him over Urza. Looks like storm's back on the menu, boys! I must say, this list looks more solid than every urza-brew i have seen so far. In that vein, Stony Silence and Collector Ouphe are decent, but not exceptional; shutting down the Thopter-Sword combo is good, and turning off Engineered Explosives negates their main interaction, but most of the artifacts are just setting up the non-artifact spells. I think my list is far from optimized, and could use some consistency boosts and potentially some sideboard revamps, but it feels good so far. As-is, his mana generation is on par with that of Krark-Clan Ironworks, and he doesn’t need outside help to find more artifacts to keep it all rolling. With Urza out it gets even crazier too. It plays more mainboard protection than other versions, and fewer artifacts. Tap both the thopter and the Sword to make 2 mana; spend one to restart the loop. Has anyone ever considered paradoxical outcome with all these 0 cmc artifacts. The final strategy I’ll mention is employing graveyard hate. When the combo kill doesn’t come together, Urza Ascendancy is kind of stuck. Even with Saheeli, Sublime Artificer and Sai, Master Thopterist to make the air useful, it all looks too slow and empty to be a force in Modern. This decks is also less vulnerable to graveyard hate than the other versions. Unlike Ascendancy, Outcome doesn’t need to draw the right spells in the right order, have anything in particular on the battlefield, or do any special setup at all. Additionally, it attacks from a weird angle and doesn’t feel like a typical Modern deck. What form it will actually take is unclear. I’ve seen lots of Whirza players fight mightily to not die, only to subsequently durdle to the grave in lieu of Lord High Artificer. I think that Whirza’s flexibility is a greater asset than Oko’s value, but I wouldn’t count out a forthcoming hybrid version that melds the best of both worlds. Urza's back and he's hungry for blood. r/UrzaswordMTG is the newly created subreddit for this archetype, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the ModernMagic community. To make up for this change, it generates a constant stream of food with Oko and Gilded Goose, hoping to bury the opponent under life and Elks. Goblin Engineer is not only a tutor, but it can act as a card-draw engine with Mishra’s Bauble and a mana accelerant. Prison cards, particularly Chalice of the Void, are extremely volatile. Not sure about Board the Weatherlight (2 mana) and white; what else does white offer? It’s Standard style gameplay that’s viable in Modern for the first time and hard to fight if you’re not ready for it. However, since its cards are lackluster on their own, it doesn’t have any truly great matchups either. They need many colors but primarily play Island and thus need to aggressively fetch to hit their color requirements. It is possible to make the pieces decent on their own, but if Emry gets Bolted before Ascendancy lands, the combo fails. There’s also the fact that sometimes Ensnaring Bridge just wins games. I’d recommend Sai over Saheeli, even though he’s vulnerable to creature removal, because I see his secondary ability being more valuable than Saheeli’s in this deck. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Without exactly Emry on the field, Jeskai Ascendancy doesn’t combo off (though it can potentially generate a lot of value). The next deck to make waves was the pure combo version.
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